Welcome to Planet B
The Festival University 2022
Schon vor Beginn des Festivals haben 200 Studierende aus über 70 Ländern bei der Festival University von Ars Electronica und der JKU vier Wochen lang ihre Zeit mit Wissenschaftler*innen der JKU, mit den Künstler*innen der Ars Electronica und mit vielen weiteren hochrangigen Expert*innen aus allen Bereichen von Kunst, Technologie, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft verbracht. Sie präsentieren die Ideen und Erkenntnisse, die sie auf der Suche nach einer internationalen Verfassung für Klimaschutz gewinnen konnten, bei der realitätsnahen Simulation eines Internationalen Gerichtshofs („The International Environmental and Climate Court“). Der IECC tagt am 9. Sept., 10. Sept. und 11. Sept. auf der Festival University Stage in KEPLER’S GARDENS und stellt Petitionen zu Wasser, Migration und Energie in den Mittelpunkt.
The International Environmental and Climate Court (IECC)
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Simulation einer fiktiven internationale Umwelt- & Klima-Gerichtsverhandlung und wird von den Studierenden der Festival University 2022 durchgeführt. Dabei werden folgende Themen besprochen: FR, 9. Sept. Wasser, SA, 10. Sept. Migration und SO, 11. Sept. Energie. Dieses Programm ist für alle Besucher*innen des Ars Electronica Festivals zugänglich. Wir laden Sie ein, im Publikumsbereich Platz zu nehmen!Replay
Die globalen Herausforderungen von morgen erfordern eine neue Herangehensweise – eine, die auf Kreativität und gemeinsamer Gestaltung basiert. Die Festival University, eine gemeinsame Initiative von Ars Electronica und der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU), lädt Studierende aus der ganzen Welt ein, gemeinsam globale Strategien für Wandel und Transformation zu entwickeln.
Mit „Welcome to Planet B“ als Titel des diesjährigen Festivals, liegt der Schwerpunkt des Programms nicht nur auf dem Klimawandel und seinen Auswirkungen selbst, sondern erstreckt sich auch auf die noch wichtigere Frage, wie wir als Gesellschaft, als Nationen, als globale Gemeinschaft auf die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen reagieren können.
- Wie können wir zusammenarbeiten und die erforderlichen massiven Veränderungen bewältigen?
- Wie können wir die Veränderungen in Gang setzen?
- Wie können wir solche Veränderungen bewältigen?
- Welche Folgen werden all diese Veränderungen haben?
- Wie wird die Welt, unsere Welt, aussehen, wenn wir diesen Wandel geschafft haben?
Ort | Linz, Österreich |
Dauer | 4 Wochen |
Datum | 18. August – 14. September, 2022 |
Zielgruppe | Studierende aller Fachrichtungen 16-25 Jahre |
Bewerbungsfrist (verlängert) | 4. Juli 2022, 23:59 MESZ |
Sprache | Englisch |
Studienart | Festival University |
Zeitaufwand | Vollzeit |
Credits | 6 ECTS |
Unterstützungen | Das Programm wird vom österreichischen Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung unterstützt. |

Marcus Neustetter
Artist / Co-Director of The Trinity Session (South Africa & Austria)

Tammy Palesa Stewart
Artist / Project Manager at The Trinity Session (South Africa)

Seda Röder
Founder & CEO – Sonophilia Foundation; Managing Partner – Mindshift.Global (Austria)

Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Director of the Global Research Communications – RethinkX; Special Investigations & Global Trends Reporter – BylineTimes (UK)

Tina Auer
Time‘s Up (Austria)

Tim Boykett
Time‘s Up (Austria)

Karen Palmer
Storyteller from the Future (UK)

Yoko Shimizu
Key Researcher & Artist – Ars Electronica Futurelab (Japan)

Miranda Marcus
Head of BBC News Lab – BBC (UK)

Prof. Gernot M. Wallner

Emran Feroz
Journalist (Austria & Afghanistan)

Andreas Safron
Climate Change Adaptation Manager – Sterngartl Gusental (Austria)

Andreas Reichl
CEO – Sternwird (Austria)

Team Memorial Gusen

Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger
Vice-President – Club of Rome (Austria)

Crystn Hunt Akron
Music Producer & performance artist – Plasticphonia

Dr. Matthew Gardiner
Artist & Key Researcher Ars Electronica Futurelab (Austria)

Prof. Johannes Braumann
Robots in Architecture (Austria)

Amir Bastani
Robots in Architecture (Austria)

Martin Rauchbauer
Tech Diplomacy Senior Fellow – DiploFoundation (Austria)

Prof. Dr. Franz Fischler
Former EU Commissioner, former President of the European Forum Alpbach, advisor to numerous governments and the OECD, author (Austria)

Mike Artner
Fridays For Future (Austria)

Dr. Eduardo Kapapelo
Researcher – Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria

Martin Hoffmann
Scientist 4 Future OÖ (Austria)

Dr. Ebrahim Afsah
Professor of Islamic law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna (Austria)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lana Ivanjek
Junior Professor at the Chair for Didactics of Physics – Technical University Dresden (Germany)

Sarah Newman
Co-Founder – Data Nutrition Project; Director of Art & Education at metaLAB at Harvard (USA)

Kasia Chmielinski
Co-Founder – Data Nutrition Project; Current Shorenstein Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School & Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center (Austria)

Guy Ben-Ary
Artist, Researcher (Australia)

Nathan Thompson
New Media Artist/Design Engineer (Australia)

Richard Wilson
Director – Stop Funding Hate, Co-founder – Stop Funding Heat (UK)

Sean Buchan
Campaign Manager – Stop Funding Heat (Austria)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gegenhuber
Professor for Managing Socio-Technical Transitions – Johannes Kepler University (Austria)

Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Barbara Krumay, Bakk. MSc
Head of Institute – Institute of Business Informatics – Information Engineering – Johannes Kepler University (Austria)

Dr. Manuel Mühlburger, MSc
Assistant Professor – Institute of Business Informatics – Information Engineering – Johannes Kepler University (Austria)

Marko Vivoda
Creative Director – HEKA lab (Slovenia)

Gjorgji Despodov
3D Illustrator & Graphic Designer (Slovenia)

Daria Kuklina
Peace Activist

Ruth Freedom Pojman
International Expert, Advisor, Consultant, FounderRuth Freedom Pojman Advisory Services

Jun. Prof. Dr. Lana Ivanjek
Professorship for Didactics of Physics – University of Technology Dresden

Magdalena Micloi
PhD student, research assistant – University of Technology Dresden

Flora Peham
Climate Activist, Friday‘s For Future, LobauBleibt & Jugendrat (Youth Council), Student

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander R. Moschen, PhD
Head of the Department of Internal Medicine 2 – Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, RheumatologyKepler University Hospital – Johannes Kepler University, Faculty of Medicine

Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Fellner
Board of Directors of the Central Radiology Institute; Kepler University Hospital – Johannes Kepler University, Faculty of Medicine

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Lamprecht
Head of the University Department of Internal Medicine 4 – Pneumology; Kepler University Hospital – Johannes Kepler University, Faculty of Medicine

Univ.-Prof. DDr. Wolfram Hötzenecker, MBA
Head of the University Department of Dermatology and Venereology; Kepler University Hospital – Johannes Kepler University, Faculty of Medicine
Court Simulation

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathis Fister
Johannes Kepler University; Lawyer & Partner; Tschurtschenthaler walder Fister

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler
Johannes Kepler University; Lawyer & Partner; Haslinger & Nagele

Qing Qin

Mag. Barbara Simma LL.M.
Judge at Federal Administrative Court

Peter Hammer
Judge at Federal Administrative Court

Mike Artner
Fridays For Future (Austria)

Dr. Eduardo Kapapelo
Researcher – Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria

Andreas Safron
Climate Change Adaptation Manager – Sterngartl Gusental (Austria)
Festival Faculty

Manthia Diawara
is a Malian writer, filmmaker, cultural theorist, scholar, and art historian. He holds the title of University Professor at New York University, where he is Director of the Institute of Afro-American Affairs. (Mali)

Selina Nairok Leem
climate change activist, spoken word performer. She was the youngest speaker at COP21 and has also spoken at COP26, making a „passionate plea“ to world leaders for increased action on addressing climate change. (Marshall Islands)

Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
Environmental Scientist, Former Member of the German Bundestag, Former co-president of the Club of Rome (Germany)

Jayati Ghosh
Development Economist, Chairperson of the Centre for Economic Studies (NJU) (India)

Maria Langsenlehner
Project Lead Circular Futures – Circular Economy Platform Austria (Germany)

Giulia Foscari
Architect, Founder of UNLESS, a non-profit agency for change devoted to interdisciplinary research on extreme environments. Project Lead Antarctic Resolution (Italy)

Carlo Barbante
Director Institute of Polar Sciences, Prof. Analytical Chemistry, University Ca‘Foscari Venice (Italy)

Eva Franch Gilabert
Architect, curator, educator; Experiemental Architecture for Green Innovation, Radical Change (Spain)

Laurie Anderson
Visionary Pioneer, film director, composer, musician, fighter for human rights (USA)

Holly Herndon
Musician, composer and innovative sound artist (USA)

Gianni Riotta
Journalist (La Stampa, Washington Post, Le Monde, New York Times) and Director of Data Lab at LUISS (Italy)

Bernd Hezel
Bernd Hezel investigates, designs and realises audio-visual climate change communication formats at the Climate Media Factory.

Marta Handenawer
Creative Director of Domestic Data Streamers, fighting environmental violence using data and art (Spain)

Aimee Van Wynsberghe
Founder Bonn Sustainable AI Lab, Director of the Institute for Science and Ethics at the University of Bonn and member of the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on AI (Netherlands)

Robertina Šebjanič
internationally awarded artist, whose work revolves around the biological, chemical, political, and cultural realities of aquatic environments and explores humankind’s impact on other species and on the rights of non-human entities (Slovenia)

Marjan Žitnik
Computer Scientist, CEO Maritimo Recycling, which cleans the Adriatic Sea from plastic, upcycling it into innovative use (Slovenia)

Alexandra Antwi-Boasiako
Creative Industries, Communication and Media (Ghana/Germany)

Bernd Fesel
director of the European Creative Business Network (ECBN), vice director of the European Capital of Culture (Ruhr Region) and senior advisor to the European Centre for creative economy (Germany)

Diana Ayton-Shenker
CEO Leonardo/ISAST, Professor at ASU Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation, CEO of Global Momenta, founder of the Fast Forward Fund (USA)

Bradly Dunn Klerks
Expert of Technology and Innovation in Green Fashion, former CEO of Iris van Herpen, works now with Yuima Nakazato (Belgium/Netherlands)

Babitha George
Partner Quicksand Studio Bangalore, social impact & environmental technology (India)

Shannon Dosemagen
Director Open Environmental Data Project, President & Executive Director Public Lab, Environmental health advocate (USA)

Camila Nobrega
Journalist working on social-environmental conflicts and environmental justice for The Guardian, Le Monde, Mongabay. Founder at Beyond the Green (Brazil)

Luis Felipe Rosado Murillo
Arctic Research Center, Data Scientist, Anthropologist, free and open software research, Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Uni. (Brazil)

Persephone Lewis
specializes in training and organizational management with a focus on American Indian communities, creating impactful, effective, culturally-competant organizations and programs. (USA)

Audrey-Flore Ngomsik
Scientist, Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development, CEO & Founder Trianon Scientific Communication, CEO Climate Change Strategist (Belgium)

Andres Colmenares
Environmental activist, lawyer, co-director of The Billion Seconds Institute, a lifelong learning initiative, co-founder of IAM, the creative research lab for socioecological challenges (Columbia)

Gijs Schalkx (NL)
Engineer, vehicle that is powered by local and sustainable cooling sources

Tega Brain (AU)
Environmental engineer, artist who examines how technology shapes ecology

Sam Lavigne (US)
An environmental chatbot. His work deals with technology, data, surveillance, natural language processing and automation

Ory Yoshifuji (JP)
He created a robot as an avatar to enable social participation, allowing for new ways of employment for peopole with special needs

Amina Khoulani (SY)
is a Syrian survivor of Assad’s prisons and she has campaigned for other prisoners and helped to support their families. She was chosen as an International Woman of Courage in March 2020

Kiya Tadele (Ethiopia)
Director of Yatreda art collective

Joanna Wright (GB)
Her work deals with the final days of a rural nuclear power station in Wales

Center for Political Beauty (DE)
The Center for Political Beauty embodies a radical form of humanism. It is an assault troop that establishes moral beauty, political poetry, and human magnanimity. The Center fuses the power of fantasy with the power of history

Total Refusal (AT)
The pseudo-marxist media guerilla Total Refusal explores and practices strategies for artistic intervention in contemporary computer games

Rashaad Newsome (US)
Using the diasporic traditions of improvisation, he pulls from the world of advertising, the internet, Art History, and Black and Queer culture to produce counter-hegemonic work

Alex Verhaest (BE)
Ad Hominem is an interactive philosophical choose-your-own-adventure film, based on Eutopia Unbound, in which the player is cast in the role of Change. The player is invited to pick an answer to questions proposed by four different characters representing four distinct utopic ideas

Jung Hsu (TW)
Her work has focused on micro-biopolitics and social movements

Natalia Rivera (CO)
Media artist and designer. My creative processes have focused on developing interactive experiences and a bio-centered use of new media

Cristhian Avila (PE)
pre-Hispanic music instruments, that are again „played“ by the wind with technology assistance, we intend to hear random interpretations of someone else’s past

Masaki Fujihata (JP)
pioneers of new media art. His project considering the new type of ownership of digital artwork made possible using NFTs, not based on a uniqueness rooted in conventional materials, but as a novel means of ownership utilizing the properties of digital data

Dora Bartilotti (MX)
Voz Pública is a tactical mediation and participatory art piece that seeks to amplify the protest against gender violence in the urban context of Latin America

Gabriela Munguía (MX)
Her production recovers different Latin American cosmovisions, speculative thinking, ecomaterialisms and open source technologies to address issues related to geopolitics, reciprocity between species and environmental justice

Kat Austen (UK)
she focusses on environmental issues and melds disciplines and media, creating sculptural and installations, performances and participatory work. Her praxis is underpinned by extensive research and theory, and driven by a motivation to explore how to move towards a more socially and environmentally just future

Fara Peluso (IT/DE)
Fara Peluso is an artist and designer who seeks to deepen the relationship between human beings, living organisms and biological processes. Through a speculative practice, Peluso proposes alternative solutions aimed at rebuilding our coexistence with nature.

Laura Cinti (ZA)
a biodiversity-focused art-science project searching for a female mate for one of the rarest plants on Earth, the extinct-in-the-wild cycad – the Encephalartos woodii. It is a dramatic illustration of how easy it is to lose a species and our biodiversity

Siobhán McDonald (IE)
Her work centers around climate change, which she develops in art-sci collaborations

Yuima Nakazato (JP)
Yuima initiated the FASHION FRONTIER PROGRAM, an educational project for ambitious, next-generation fashion designers. Yuima seeks to address social issues while pursuing cutting-edge fashion through his collections presented at Haute Couture Week

Kuang-Yi Ku (TW)
is a bio-artist and speculative designer. He co-founded TW BioArt (a Taiwan bioart community) to stimulate the fields of BioArt and Science + Art in Taiwan. His works often deal with the human body, sexuality, interspecies interactions, and medical technology

Hypercomf (GR)
seeks to investigate and communicate the perceptual and practical problems that arise in marine ecosystem preservation by inviting the subject of the ocean inside our terrestrial homes and exploring ecosemiotic links and physical interactions between human homes and marine caves

Bill Fontana (US)
Is internationally known for his pioneering experiments in sound art

Irakli Sabekia (GE)
create an experimental digital platform that links geographical locations with personal stories. It is about places that had to be abandoned for political, social, ethnic, or religious reasons and about the narratives and stories of the people who lived there. Submitted even before Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the Georgian artist’s poetic and conceptually compelling project is also highly topical

Marjan Colletti (IT)
Architect, founder of REX/LAB, a robotic lab at Uni Innsbruck, Chair of Building Design & Construction at Uni Bartlett, innovator with new approaches related to environmentally friendly buildings

Sara Dean, Beth Ferguson, Marina Monsonis (ES/US)
seeks to investigate and communicate the perceptual and practical problems that arise in marine ecosystem preservation by inviting the subject of the ocean inside our terrestrial homes and exploring ecosemiotic links and physical interactions between human homes and marine caves

Maja Smrekar (SI)
Is one of the most radical artists. She utilizes computation as a tool for critically addressing behavioral engineering within the human-dog-artificial intelligence paradigm

Karl Markovics (AT)
One of the most interesting actors as well as a film director

Jana Winderen (NO)
an artist based in Norway with a background in mathematics, chemistry and fish ecology. She works with soundscapes deep under water, inside ice or in frequency ranges inaudible to the human ear