Nature of Prototyping


Qi Huang (TW) and Yi-Null Hong (TW)

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The electronic drifters exiled from the Taiwan waters will become an extension of our senses. Slowly leaving the coast with our consciousness and perception, we try to explore the world, the unknown ocean currents, and the species that have never been annihilated before. It is said that there is a trash island in a distant place, a sea area we have never set foot on. That is our destination. SeaDrift seeks to reveal the final form of man-made objects and what they will become.


Qi Huang is studying at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and majoring in TechArt. She loves warm cuddling, a tangerine sky, and mellifluous chocolates – all of them fulfill her need for sensory experiences and trigger the creative instinct. She continuously explores herself through her creations focusing on the relationship between people and memories. Yi-Null Hong is studying at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and majoring in TechArt. He often uses the essence of the internet as an information carrier. Through social community, performance, and behavior media, he tries to reflect and explore the relationship among people, the internet, and information.