Collaborative Ecosystems for a Sustainable World

Tools for a Warming Planet

Sara Dean (US), Beth Ferguson (US), Marina Monsonís (ES)

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Tools for a Warming Planet ist eine Sammlung aktueller und spekulativer Werkzeuge zur Anpassung an eine sich verändernde Welt. Es werden neue Werkzeuge benötigt, um das Klimachaos zu verstehen, darauf zu reagieren, es zu kommunizieren, zu bauen und gemeinsam damit zu leben. Diese dank Crowdsourcing erstellte Sammlung zeigt aufregende Zukunftsentwürfe von Designer*innen, Künstler*innen, Aktivist*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen aus aller Welt.

This is a collaborative project presented at Arts Santa Mònica as part of “La irrupció” exhibition in the context of ISEA2022 Barcelona.


Sara Dean is an architect and designer in California. Her work investigates opportunities for digital technologies to engage cities towards greater equity and adaptability, under the dual threat of the Anthropocene and capitalism. This includes works responding to climate disaster, digital activism, mapping, and the future of our cities. She is an advocate for open-source systems of knowledge.

Beth Ferguson is an ecological designer and educator in California who blends industrial design with sustainable transportation, solar engineering, climate resiliency, and public engagement. She is the director of Adapting City Lab at UC Davis, which investigates new potentials of solar charging, urban transportation planning, and forms of micro-mobility in global cities.

Marina Monsonís is a visual artist who works with hybrid processes of micro-social transformation rooted in territories, collectives, and communities with a focus on marine science, place-based design, gastronomy, graffiti, radical geography, critical ethnography, and oral histories. She is the director of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art Kitchen Lab and based in Barcelona, Spain.


Participating Artists (in no particular order):
Sara Dean, Beth Ferguson, Amy Balkin, Sima Pirmoradi, Marina Monsonís, Monica Martinez, Johanna Hoffman, Yara Said, Margaretha Haughwout, Cristina Gaitan, Margaret Ikeda, Even Jones, Adam Larson, Lisa Korpos, SCAPE, Brett Snyder, Claire Napawan, Jovita Wattimena, Wendy Brawer, Cy Keener, Alba Iniesta Saez, Ofelia Viloche Pulido, Eldy Lazaro, Interactive Organisms Lab, Ana Otero, Flounder Lee, Maud Bausier, Antoine Jaunard, Alejandra Ruiz, Benner Boswell, Lara Garcia Diaz, Adam Marcus, Leslie Roberts, Chris Falliers, Rosten Woo, Shihan Zhang, Qinqin Yan, INaturalist, Crystal Titus, Yangyigan Dong, Zahra Jajarmikhayat