We cordially invite our European partners and the members of our network to join us for the Creative Europe Get-Together. The Creative Europe program is a funding scheme of the European Union to support the culture, creative and audiovisual sector. This meeting gives members of cultural institutions the chance to network in a relaxed atmosphere.
The Get-Together is jointly hosted by Ars Electronica and the Creative Europe Desk Austria in cooperation with European Creative Europe Desks from Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia and Slovenia.
We highly recommend diving into the Creative Europe highlight program of the day before the Get-Together: STUDIOTOPIA — Art meets science in the Anthropocene is a Creative Europe program co-funded initiative increasing collaborations between cultural and research institutions, academia, innovation centers, creatives and citizens. Discover the STUDIOTOPIA Day conference program and creatively and critically reflect about ecological and sociopolitical implications of the Anthropocene.
Working in the field of Creative Europe and interested to join? Please email us to festival@ars.electronica.art until September 8th.