Experimental Animation
Experimental and innovative forays into various forms of animation are on display here. In the first film The Crow (Glenn Marshall), artificial intelligence is used to transform a dancer into a crow. In the film Hysteresis (Oval — Markus Popp, Tsuki — Robert Seidel), projection mappings of analog drawings on a dancer interfere with machine-learning tools and digital processing. Anxious Body (Yoriko Mizushiri) offers a tactile experience. Every touch becomes an intense experience — a somatic empathy is triggered in the audience. The film Surge (Sebastian Buerkner) probes into the complexity of negotiating perception agreements based on a fictional postsurgical calibration session. Let yourself be taken on a journey into the world of current experimental animation.
The Crow, Glenn Marshall (UK)
Hysteresis, Oval — Markus Popp (DE), Tsuki — Robert Seidel (DE/AU)
Anxious Body, Yoriko Mizushiri (JP)
Surge, Sebastian Buerkner (DE)