Dondon Hounwn, Shu Lea Chean

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Derived from a fabricated legend recounted by Dondon Hounwn, an artist and a practicing shaman of the Truku tribe of Taiwan, HAGAY DREAMING is a techno-fantasia guided theatre of revival that explores technoshamanism and Gaya principles. The work charts a discourse on the diversified nature of genders in primeval states, the conflicted keepers of tribal tradition and the defiant young generation. “A hunter lost in the forest meets a group of gender-fluid Hagay who transmit the knowledge of rituals, hunting and weaving to the hunter. The hunter returns to the tribe and continues sharing their wisdom.” HAGAY DREAMING at STWST48x8 takes the participating public for rituals lastin 48 hours, consisting of forest wandering and dreams in a conscious state. Spectra of tribal totem “dowriq”, beaming laser light, summons the ancestral spirits to watch over us, guiding us walking, chanting, gender hacking, xylophone messaging, flute head-hunting, dancing, imaging. Sapuh, Emsapuh, Smapuh, Dgiyaq, Mkduyung, Phpah, Qhuni, learning medicine, embodying the power of medicine, forests and streams, blossoming flower and trees, we arrive beyond the flowing of light where the multiplicity of HAGAY converge and reverberate in balance.


Dondon Hounwn and Shu Lea Cheang launched their collaboration with HAGAY DREAMING during LAB KILL LAB at Taiwan’s C-Lab in 2020. Together they re-envisioned genders, genres, share collective values with a view to ensure the survival of indigenous culture. HAGAY DREAMING STWST48x8 edition is presented with artists Aka Chang, Shan Shan Chen, Ibau, Tzuan Wu, Sayun Chang, oemaw a ’oebay tataysi’, apu’u yakumangana, tumun buru, umaw nguzyok, marang kuwah, pilaw uraw, Temu Basaw. Special expanded workshops with Špela Petrič (Multiplication of Hagay) and Adriana Knouf (Rituals for Gender Transformation). Funding for production and travel provided by Taiwan’s National Culture and Arts Foundation and Ministry of Culture Taiwan. hagaydreaming.net


An Elug Art Corner + Dimension Plus production.
Initiated by Shu Lea Cheang and produced by Ping Yi Chen
Artist/Direction: Dondon Hounwn