Interface Cultures


Chris Ziegler (DE)

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Thu Sep 8, 2022, 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
Redsapata Tanzfabrik, Saal 1, Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, Entrance in Reindlstraße, 4th floor

Workshop / Performance

The workshop takes place in an interactive robotic stage of around 30 motorized LEDs, researching the relation of human physical motion in a relation to a mechanized environment. How can we make the user or audience experience more physical and participatory? The body of a dancer is connected to the environment and interacts both with the audience and the mechanical system through digital interfaces. How does moving in a robotic stage transforms the orientation and relation to the human body? What is the experience being Immersed in a digital and mechanical universe?


Participating Artists:Linaá Pulido Barragán, Dogus Karlik, Katherine Romero, Aizhan Saganayeva, Behiye Erdemir, Maria Dirneder and Tomomi Watanabe (Dance)

Supported by the National Performance Network – Stepping Out, support program dance with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for the Arts and Media within the program Neustart Kultur (Restart Culture)