u19–create your world Exhibition

Orphea und Eurydike

Elena Schöppl, Carla Schöppl, Rosina Umgeher

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Young Creatives u14 Prize

Taking Greek mythology as their model, the two sisters and their cousin have reinterpreted the love story of Orpheus and Eurydice. When Eurydice flees from the Peeping Tom Aristaios, she is not killed by a snake bite, but by electrocution – and just when she is distracted by her cell phone, because she posts her new love status on Instagram. In keeping with the times, the ancient music star Orpheus becomes the female protagonist Orphea. She tries to save her love Eurydice from the underworld with beguiling music.


Elena Schöppl (*2008) currently attends Körnergymnasium in Linz and in the fall will transfer to the visual arts program at Stifterschule Linz. She loves horses and is interested in drawing and filmmaking but prefers to stand behind the camera. Her sister Carla Schöppl (*2011) is also a student at Körnergymnasium. In the films they make together, she is not only in charge of the clapboard but also usually plays a role. Their nine-year-old cousin Rosina Umgeher (*2013) is a born actor and can assume nearly any role. She lives in Vienna and always visits her cousins in the summer.


Set Runner, technische Beratung: Robert Hinterleitner