Earth4All wants to achieve Wellbeing for all with a Giant Leap
Last year in 2022, 50 years after the publication of the bestseller “the Limits to Growth” by the Club of Rome, a new report was published: Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity. The book sets the scientific stage for two new scenarios about our future, (1) we continue as before and end up in “Too little too late”, while (2) a huge step towards a sustainable future will be a „Giant Leap“. The latter positive future scenario shows that we need to change 5 so-called turnarounds: Poverty, Inequality, Empowerment, Food, Energy.
In this workshop, we dive into the story of this “Giant Leap”: Which changes are necessary and how we can reach a sustainable future. Such understanding needs a global perspective, which is provided in the report by a method called system dynamics. It allows a better understanding of dynamic relations for complex systems. In terms of this years festival, we cannot study this theory in all detail but we will derive the essential building blocks of such a „system dynamics map“ from the experience of the participants: so-called „feedback loops“ map the causal relationships and we will look in our systems for these loops to identify where we should/can best intervene from the outside.

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Nathalie Spittler (AT)
Dr. Nathalie Spittler is a researcher at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) and has been working in the field of system dynamics for years. She is active for the Earth4All initiative in the field of modeling. She designed together with Daniel Körner the workshop format.

Daniel Körner (AT)
Daniel Körner. Over the last 15 years, Daniel Körner has built up a broad expertise in participatory and collaborative project development with a focus on environmental and social project. As a result, he has a lot of experience in accompanying communities, NGOs and companies in the implementation of community-oriented sustainability projects and brings a holistic and networked way of thinking to the project and workshop development.

Friedrich Hinterberger (AT)
Dr. Friedrich Hinterberger – Since 2019, Fritz Hinterberger has been Vice President of the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome. Originally from Upper Austria, he has been a sustainability activist since 40 years, studied economics with Kurt Rothschild in Linz and earned his PhD on Monetary Social Policy in Giessen. He works at universities and at the Wuppertal Institute on all dimensions of sustainability: economy, ecology and society. In 1999 he founded the SERI Sustainable Europe Research Institute and worked as Senior Scientist at the University of Applied Arts Vienna from 2019 to 2022. At the moment, He is primarily working on the SDGVisionPath project (

Martin Hoffmann (AT/DE)
Dr. Martin Hoffmann is Secretary General of the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome since the beginning of 2022, a member of the board of cooppa Mediengenossenschaft eG and works voluntarily at Scientists for Future Upper Austria. He is also a lecturer at Johannes Kepler University Linz and organizes a lecture series on the climate crisis and sustainability. Until the end of 2020, he worked as a theoretical physicist in the field of materials research.