Does data ownership influence creative processes and creativity? How do data-based artworks and content shape our perspectives and thoughts? Artists and creators push the boundaries in cultural tech, and accelerate evolutions in the ecosystem. How should cultural content be balanced between commercial interests and social needs? Taiwan, in an information silo, attempts to connect, share and collaborate across countries. This conversation includes creators, researchers and public sectors to explore pathways in cultural tech.
Vivian Chen (TW)
Zi Yin Chen (TW) & Hsiang Feng Chuang (TW)
Hui-Ching KO (TW)
Yen-Lin Huang (TW)
Aurélien Dirler (FR)
Hsin-Chien Huang (TW)
Vivian Chen (TW)
Vivian Chen, is a human rights activist who started her journey at 20 years old in a child labor shelter in India. She was the youth representative to the UN for the Commission of the Status of Women and the official APEC delegate representing Chinese Taipei. Vivian now contributes at da0/ g0v working towards building a more humane future in the digital era.
Hsin-Chien Huang (TW)
Hsin-Chien Huang, chairman of Virtual and Physical Media Integration Association is a renowned artist and creator who has collaborated with esteemed figures such as the artist Laurie Anderson and electronic musician Jean-Michel Jarre. He actively promotes and showcases new media artworks from Taiwan to a global audience, contributing to the growth and recognition of Taiwanese talent in the field.
Zi-Yin Chen (TW) and Hsiang-Feng Chuang(TW)
Zi-Yin Chen and Hsiang-Feng Chuang are artists of Simple Noodle Art. Zi-Yin Chen’s work integrates space, lighting, sound and often incorporates data from the International Space Station and renowned scientific images. Hsiang-Feng Chuang is both an artist and an AI researcher and serves as a researcher of Chunghwa Telecommunication. His artwork mainly discusses the “communication mechanism” and “interface” in the digital age.
Hui-Ching KO (TW)
Hui-Ching KO is a deputy project manager of Cultural Technology in the development department, Industrial Technology Research Institution(ITRI). ITRI is a world-leading applied technology research institute with more than 6,000 outstanding employees. She is the co-PI of Arts@Labs (Arts@ITRI) and culture inclusion project.
Yen-Lin Huang (TW)
Yen-Lin Huang is a medical doctor turned web3 architect, currently working at the Ministry of Digital Affairs in Taiwan. With a deep appreciation for the spirit of plurality, he is dedicated to finding a unique approach that deviates from the synthetic technocracy and corporate libertarianism.
Aurélien Dirler (FR)
Aurélien Dirler is an Advisor to TAICCA, specializing in international cooperation, audiovisual policy and strategy, with a strong focus on film and immersive content. Prior to this position, he was Audiovisual Attaché at the French Office in Taipei, in charge of promoting the French creative content industries and strengthening audiovisual cooperation between France and Taiwan.
More about the details of the 2023 Taiwanese artworks, performance and events in the Festival can be found on the TAICCA website.