Who controls the narrative around nature preservation, and what does this get them? A trained spatial planner and an award-winning Kenyan journalist Mordecai Ogada has investigated and written on wildlife conservation since 2000. His book The Big Conservation Lie is a wake-up call to question and investigate the narratives around the conservation of Africa’s wildlife. What role do narratives play in the ownership of nature, and how can we detect misleading stories?

Mordecai Ogada (KE)
Mordecai Ogada is a Kenyan carnivore ecologist and conservation policy scholar who has been involved in conservation policy and practice for over 20 years in Kenya and other parts of Africa, mainly on human-wildlife conflict mitigation and carnivore conservation. His current work focuses on the challenges of racism and other prejudices in the global conservation arena. This includes activism in the protection of rights of people in the Global South to own their natural heritage.