Uperqt / Cod.Act, André Décosterd (CH), Michel Décosterd (CH), Photo: vog.photo


Cod.Act, André Décosterd (CH), Michel Décosterd (CH)

Fighting is a spectacular event, fascinating due to its intensity and the collective excitement it generates. This characteristic phenomenon stems from a highly charged sonic context and, above all, from the constant interaction between the fighters‘ performance and the audible reactions of the audience. The blows whip up the crowd’s fury, while the cheers fuel the fighter’s ardor. The result is a constant flow of energy back and forth between the ring and the stands. The power and speed of the clashing bodies resonate with the elevated vocal pulsations of the fans. A succession of tensions and relaxations, both physical and sonic, dictate the rhythm and dramaturgy of a show whose beauty emanates from a blend of primal instinct and virtuosity. 

Uperqt reproduces this deeply emotional experience in the form of a piece of music, articulated and composed in real time by the fight of two great metallic creatures. 


Presented with the kind support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. 

André Décosterd (CH), Michel Décosterd  (CH)

André is a musician and composer, who specializes in computer programming of musical applications. He studied composition systems specific to electroacoustic and contemporary music, in particular algorithmic composition. 

Michel is a plastic artist, who began with photography and built kinetic devices that produced moving images from light and translucent material. He then left the field of images and acquired more skills in the field of material technology and mechanics. Michel concentrates his plastic research on the machine, in particular on movement, and invents and builds kinetic sculptures.