Horst Hörtner, Leiter des Ars Electronica Futurelabs präsentiert die Stationen im Linz Verändert – Zelt 2013.
Im Rahmen des Linz Verändert – Zelts haben wir Kulturdirektor Dr. Julius Stieber zum Gespräch getroffen.
[:de]Am Urfahraner Markt weichen die Autos wieder den Menschen und Buden, der Urfahraner Frühlingsmarkt hat seine Pforten geöffnet, und das heißt auch, dass das Linz Verändert – Zelt abermals die Stadt, ihre Unternehmen und ihre Menschen ins Zentrum der Wahrnehmung rückt. Horst Hörtner, Leiter des Ars Electronica Futurelab, führt durch die neuen und erweiterten Installation.
Since 1987, the Prix Ars Electronica has been one of the most prestigious prizes awarded in the world of media art. The process of deciding which works are singled out for recognition is quite elaborate. After all, there are thousands of submissions to evaluate in order to finally arrive at the most excellent and most…
The Earth, the basis of humankind’s very existence, will take the spotlight at the Ars Electronica Center beginning April 18th. Terrific new exhibits feature data, information, human beings and interrelationships. Geopulse, a gigantic interactive information graphic, and Deep Space are the high-definition settings in which to behold our Earth in a new light.
When you sit face-to-face with Tosca—that is, the duo of Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister—you’re enveloped by a certain sense of composure. Both musicians have accomplishments to their credit; they’re consummate artists. But at the same time, there are these facial expressions—when they discuss their new album, upcoming concerts, expressive possibilities now available to them…
The Spaxels are flying again on April 18th in Linz, check out the video for footage from the last testflight.
Our previous destination was London. The next stop on our itinerary is Mistelbach, which isn’t a hotbed of paranoia so at least there are no security checkpoints to pass through. The reason for our trip to Lower Austria is to visit the Hermann Nitsch Museum, where a retrospective entitled SINNE UND SEIN (Sense and Being)…
Radio FRO 105.0, free radio for Linz, has been organizing workshops since 2006 at which people with—as well as without—handicaps/impairments can learn the basics of broadcasting. One of the major challenges in a studio is posed by the mixing console and its faders, knobs and switches, some of which have to be operated simultaneously and…
The Spaxels, Ars Electronica Futurelab’s current flagship project have visited London, drawing a huge Star Trek – Logo into the nightsky of England’s capitol.
In this interview, Gerfried Stocker presents the theme and content of the 2013 Ars Electronica Festival.
On March 9, 2013 the Ars Electronica visited the Robots on Tour Congress Exhibition held in Zürich, Switzerland.
[:de]Das Experiment ist geglückt: 3.452 BesucherInnen, davon etwa 400 experimentierfreudige SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen, fünf Stunden langes Versuchen und Erklären, und ein Museum der Zukunft.
Michael Badics gives a first insight into the redesign of the exhibition area GeoCity, that will be accessible from mid April 2013 at the Ars Electronica Center.
Just one more level, only this last jump, a single, final mission to complete … and my, how the evening just seems to fly by! Who hasn’t faced this situation? A lot has happened since Pacman & Friends came to town. Upcoming at the Ars Electronica Center is an intensive encounter with computer gaming, and…
On THU March 7, 2013, the exhibition “people_scans” opens at the Ars Electronica Center. An interview with the photographer Kurt Hörbst about his full-body scans and his search of remarkable details in the human body.
Visitors to the Ars Electronica Center this weekend might well wonder why one of our installations is off limits. The reason Kazamidori the weathervane of the internet age, is temporarily unavailable is Culture Shutdown.
The Ars Electronica Blog recently published an interview with Christine Schöpf and Jürgen Hagler about the Prix and computer animation. In this installment, they discuss the Animation Festival.
All eyes will be on the heavens at the Ars Electronica Center from late February to early March. Sky Loft is hosting the 2013 Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference (CEDIC, a major astrophotography conclave), and Deep Space will be the venue of a spectacular program of accompanying events. We recently had a chance to chat…
Possible Futures took place in October 2012 in Sao Paulo. Gerfried Stocker and Manuela Naveau helped develop this conference, curator Giselle Beiguelman reveals how the collaboration came along and what we should take away from the conference.
Students of the HLW school in Steyr have recently visited the Ars Electronica Center to make use of the Eyetracker at the BrainLab. Check out what they needed it for.
Horst Hörtner was at the Oslolux 2013 where he was talking about Spaxels. Fontourist has summarized his lecture in one picture and it’s absolutely great.
Bill Fontana, der Gewinner des Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Residency Awards, wurde für vier Tage nach Genf zu CERN eingeladen, um dort seine Einführung in die Aktivitäten und Forschungsgebiete von CERN zu bekommen. Als Koordinatorin des Programmes seitens der Ars Electronica war es mir eine Ehre, diese Zeit mit dem Künstler und Ariane Koek, der…
[:de]Es herrscht Aufbruchsstimmung. Die Ars Electronica Solutions ist schon seit 2012 unterwegs, die Vergrößerung des Teams und der Wechsel in die Tabakfabrik sorgen für eine ordentliche Portion an neuer Motivation. Michael Badics und Bernd Albl, die für den Bereich verantwortlich zeichnen, erzählen über Vorhaben und Ziele.
2013 is the 27th edition of Prix Ars Electronica, so there’s quite some history to look back on. Christine Schöpf, who has been around from the beginning, talks about the not so humble beginnings of the Prix and discusses the current trends in computer-animation, vfx and so on with Jürgen Hagler, who is an expert…
Digital vs. real identity, “invented” identity, identity theft, things that you intentionally divulge and those you reveal unknowingly
For many years, Linz’s Tabakfabrik tobacco processing plant was a city landmark, a symbol of work and prosperity. The gloomy days of privatization and the accompanying decline in significance are over. What began to a certain extent with REPAIR, the 2010 Ars Electronica Festival, is now being continued under the direction of Chris Müller. The…