In the ever-evolving landscape of science and technology, two disciplines have emerged as powerful catalysts for reshaping our understanding of the human experience: neuroscience and cybernetics.
Re-experience technology as a social tool and discuss “What are the Futures?” – with the Futurelab at the Ars Electronica Festival.
Humans, robots, mixed reality and the future of work: the Ars Electronica Futurelab as part of the CoBot Studio research project.
We experiment, develop and tell stories with technology. The first part of Ars Electronica’s 2022 Year in Review shows how.
Finding new ideas for sustainable mobility, with AI and Boston Dynamics’ robot: A unique event in Japan included experts and families alike.
This year, the Golden Nica in the Digital Communities category goes to Ory Yoshifuji, Co-founder CEO, Ory Laboratory Inc. for his project Avatar Robot Cafe DAWN ver.β.
From September 2 to 11, 2010, the Ars Electronica Festival “REPAIR – Ready to pull the lifeline” took place on the grounds of the former tobacco factory in Linz
The exhibition “Creative Robotics” traced how industrial robots, outside their original use, became a medium of artistic and creative expression and a catalyst for the implementation of innovative ideas.
Drones merging to a digital canvas or painting with light: An Ars Electronica Futurelab workshop showcased the art of swarm robotics.
How do origami and robotics create music? The Ars Electronica Futurelab’s new video presents the world of oribotic instruments.
Paro, an assistant robot with the appearance of a seal, was a visitor magnet at the Ars Electronica Center for years.
The Telegarden was an art installation that allowed web users to plant, water, and monitor the progress of seedlings in a garden from a distance.
In 2009 and 2010, the Ars Electronica Center had special visitors of a somewhat different kind.
With Oribokit™, a DIY kit for origami robots, Matthew Gardiner aims to collectively cross the boundaries between art and science towards the future.
When humans and robots work side by side, it’s not always easy.
We’ve pinned our hopes for the future on them, but also regard them with suspicion: Robots will soon be part of our daily lives.
Ein “Donkey Car” ist ein selbstfahrendes Auto im Miniformat, ein ferngesteuertes Auto, das trainiert wird, um eigenständig einen Parcours bewältigen zu können. Im Rahmen der Themenwochen KI findet der Open Workshop “Donkey Training” statt, bei dem BesucherInnen mithilfe Künstlicher Intelligenz einem Roboauto das autonome Fahren beibringen können. Wir haben eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für euch zusammengestellt, wie…
What could the future of robotics look like? As part of the “Future in a Nutshell” lecture series organized by Ars Electronica Export for the plastic producer Greiner, Johannes Braumann, head of the Laboratory for Creative Robotics at Linz Art University, spoke about his work. He also shared some impressions with us in this interview.
At the Ars Electronica Festival’s Big Concert Night on September 9, 2018, Silke Grabinger and two members of her SILK Fluegge troupe will dance to Symphonie Fantastique performed by the Bruckner Orchestra in the Gleishalle of POSTCITY Linz. Find out more in this interview.
“The Fractured Mirror,” anthropologist and digital ethnographer Beth Singler’s talk at the Ars Electronica Festival’s Theme Symposium on September 7, 2018, will elaborate on artificial intelligence’s effects on us human beings. She gives us an introduction to her topic in this interview.
They usually perform their tasks in huge factories or on construction sites, executing identical routines thousands or millions of times, over and over again. Or they vacuum our apartments, fully automatically. But things are different at the Ars Electronica Center. The Creative Robotics exhibition that opens on May 9, 2018 will show how robots are…
The idea seems so simple—Rock Print, a STARTS Prize honoree, demonstrates how to build a large structure out of only gravel and wire. But behind the seeming simplicity is the difficulty of implementing the concept in real life. In this interview, Matthias Kohler and Fabio Gramazio of ETH–Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich tell…
Dealing with complex issues calls for marshalling insights and skills from numerous fields, cultures and perspectives. Excellence in accomplishing this is precisely what the European Commission aims to honor with the STARTS Prize. Here, we present 2017’s best projects and what the jury’s statement has to say about them. Many will be featured in a…
For her proposal to send a robot with artistic skills into outer space, robotics engineer Sarah Petkus was the recipient of an Honorary Mention from the 2016 art&science@ESA. In this interview, she talks about her plans for her upcoming residency at the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Ars Electronica Futurelab, about humane robots, and…
Even in the 21st century, robotics R&D is still a male domain. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we discussed this issue with Martina Mara of the Ars Electronica Futurelab. She’s a media psychologist and director of robo-psychology.
Part 2 of the “Creative Robotics” exhibition series premiered in February. This time, the focus is on robots that have normally been deployed in conjunction with industrial assembly processes but are now increasingly being used as catalysts for innovation in such fields as the graphic arts, design and architecture.
Robots are increasingly making their presence felt in everyday life. They vacuum our floors and mow our lawns. And hasn’t humankind long dreamed of mechanical helpers that could act autonomously, understand our needs, and perform arduous tasks we gladly dispense with?