



    Between 2010 and 2014, the FFG-funded Center for Advances in Digital Entertainment Technologies — in short CADET — has dealt with the research, advancement and usability of immersive technologies taken from the gaming and digital-entertainment industries.

  • Pixelspaces


    Pixelspaces war eine jährliche Konferenz, die das Ars Electronica Futurelab zwischen 2001 und 2013 veranstaltete. Sie wurde 2018 durch das Open Futurelab abgelöst, das bis heute jährlich einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Ars Electronica Futurelab wirft.

  • Spaxels


    Drone shows and swarm art performances

    Im September 2012 wurde am Linzer Donauufer ein neues Medium geboren: Der weltweit erste groß angelegte Outdoor-Formationsdrohnenflug erleuchtete den Nachthimmel als Teil und Herzstück des Open-Air-Musikfestivals Klangwolke.

  • Klangwolken ABC

    Klangwolken ABC

    The Klangwolken ABC was initiated as a social participation project, focusing on “character” in the age of networks, constituting one of the core programs at the voestalpine Klangwolke 2012. The audience was invited to design their own characters that could interact with the radio frequencies of the event – resulting in a huge galaxy of…

  • ZeitRaum


    ZeitRaum (“TimeSpace”) is an interactive art installation the Ars Electronica Futurelab designed for the new terminal at Vienna International Airport. It creates real-time interpretations of arriving and departing flights.

  • Spaxels / Klangwolke – Quadrocopter

    Spaxels / Klangwolke – Quadrocopter

    Ars Electronica Futurelab’s quadcopter swarm was one of the highlights of the 2012 voestalpine Klangwolke (Cloud of Sound) in Linz. More than 90,000 spectators lined both banks of the Danube to witness a then world record: a formation flight by no fewer than 49 quadcopters. Never before had such a large squadron of whirlybird drones…

  • (St)Age of Participation

    (St)Age of Participation

    Between 2011 and 2015, under the scientific direction of Christopher Lindinger, the Ars Electronica Futurelab and media artist, choreographer and composer Klaus Obermaier have been jointly investigating innovative forms of audience involvement in stage-based media art.