Immersify: Der Stephansdom durchleuchtet – Artist Presentation
ScanLAB Projects (UK), RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems (AT), Dombauhütte St. Stephan zu Wien (AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

Der Stephansdom durchleuchtet lädt Deep-Space-8K-BesucherInnen zu einer interaktiven 3D-Reise durch high-resolution 360​​°-Bilder des Wiener Stephansdoms ein. Die Bilder, die aus mehr als 21 Milliarden Laserpunkten bestehen, bilden zusammen die Transparenzschichten des heiligen Gebäudes.

Creating a New Normal: Arts, Design, Humanities and Social Sciences 4 Emergency?
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Nirmala Menon, Dario Rodrighiero, Elian Carsenat

Panel discussion: As this virus, and maybe further to come, affects the world and our way of living, we are aiming to explore pioneering research and action based art and design. During the time of social distancing and quarantining, it has become evident that even with the principles of science and technology that provide us with access to practical methods for securing our lives, humanities-based principles and skillsets have played a key role in enabling us to evolve. In light of this, we might want to rethink our approach to future living.

Exponential Mindset: The Skills of an Exponentialist
Niki Ernst, Eveline Wandl-Vogt

A 4-Sessions dive deep into the Exponential Mindset. An interaction series to consider the SDGs from an exponential growth strategies perspective.

Community Creates Mobility: Participatory Speculative Critical Design beyond dream-making for the City.
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Niki Ernst, Claudia Falkinger, Peter Zehetbauer, Wolfgang Preisinger, Elisabeth Füssl, Penesta Dika, Aleyda Rocha Sepulveda; lightning talk: Jeffrey Schnapp

Co-Envisioning Mobility Infrastructures - The challenges facing cities around the globe are complex and multidisciplinary by nature. Attempting to solve them in conventional linear ways is insufficient for addressing these manifold human-environment relationships that are at the heart of these challenges. Alternative approaches are necessary.

Affordances of spaces
Elena Cologni

Accelerating Knowledge for the SDGs: Life streamed session - The work developed from a two-year long investigation into ‘architectures of difference’, is based on a postcard in sculptor Barbara Hepworth’s collection (circa 1952), in a note she refers to this in terms of the space between people: it’s relational and social aspects. The piece also evolved from considering the punctuations found in our cities’ grounds, and how these contribute to developing a sense of attachment and belonging, which is at the basis of wellbeing (eg. Lived Dialectics, 2016, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna; Seeds of Attachment, 2016/18, New Hall Art Collection, Cambridge).

COVID19 Insights: Mapping Diversity and Community
Dario Rodrighiero, Elian Carsenat, Gabriel Carsenat, Eveline Wandl-Vogt

COVID19 is a fire accelerator. We were using the time of the lockdown to deepen our transnational collaboration and think on how we can apply our knowledge and skills to current real world problems related to the pandemics. This visualization based on the recently developed biocultural diversity index and lexical distances. This work is unpublished up to now and unique.

museum of knowledge science
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Atiq Hashmi, Andreas Brandner, Louise Deininger

Virtual co-design session - Knowledge is at the heart of sustainable development. The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals requires therefore effective knowledge management. However, knowledge needs to be understood in regional, societal, historic and cultural context. Art and culture are essential to the understanding of knowledge, specifically when knowledge - and its various aspects and processes - is reflected as a subject of art. Beyond reflecting knowledge, art is also a medium of knowledge, like articles or books.

metaLAB (at) HARVARD

Eight experiments in the computational curation of collections - Curatorial A(i)gents consists in eight machine-learning-based experiments in and around museum collections and data sets developed by members and affiliates of metaLAB (at) Harvard, an idea foundry, knowledge-design lab, and production studio experimenting in the networked arts and humanities.

Algorithm Inventarium: methoda-thon
Matthew Battles, Max Haarich, Aleyda Rocha Sepulveda, Eveline Wandl-Vogt

Towards Inclusive, Sustainable Futures - The experimental "methodathon" is part of a series of “algorithm inventarium sprints” related to the project Algorithm Inventarium (AI+): diverse co-creation interventions combining action research approaches for accelerating the collaborative auditing of algorithms (e.g. by applying gamification techniques for data awareness, or auditing through interfaces). The aim of this session in connection with the ars electronica festival community is to identify, co-create and/or discuss specific methods, protocols and experiments for participatory research in the spirit of citizen science and community-based research in Vienna.

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Art – Science – Innovation
Why should art and science be brought together when thinking about innovation?

The CQC brings together two speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds and a facilitator – called Catalyst – to create questions for the world to ponder within a 30-minute time limit.

Algorithm Inventarium: The Greater Good Ethics Canvas
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Henry Dobson, Max Haarich

Towards Responsible, Humane Technologies - In this interaction we are introducing the “Greater Good Ethics Canvas” to be used for the development of Humanity Centered Technology.

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Art  – Education
What is the Future of Art in Education?

The CQC brings together two speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds and a facilitator – called Catalyst – to create questions for the world to ponder within a 30-minute time limit.

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Future Ink
What is the future of creative expression?

The CQC brings together two speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds and a facilitator – called Catalyst – to create questions for the world to ponder within a 30-minute time limit.

PSNC – Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PL), Spin Digital Video Technologies GmbH (DE), Marché du Film — Festival de Cannes (FR), Visualization Center C (SE), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

The EU-geförderte Projekt Immersify widmet sich aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen, die immersive Medien mit sich bringen. Das Projekt untersucht technische Möglichkeiten in Bezug auf die Videokomprimierung immersiver Medien und wie immersive Medieninhalte und -werkzeuge interaktiv gestaltet und in der Kreativ- und Medienbranche in Europa gefördert werden können. Einige der im Rahmen des Projekts produzierten Inhalte werden während des diesjährigen Ars Electronica Festival präsentiert.

Immersify: Der Stephansdom durchleuchtet
ScanLAB Projects (UK), RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems (AT), Dombauhütte St. Stephan zu Wien (AT), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

Der Stephansdom durchleuchtet lädt Deep-Space-8K-BesucherInnen zu einer interaktiven 3D-Reise durch high-resolution 360​​°-Bilder des Wiener Stephansdoms ein. Die Bilder, die aus mehr als 21 Milliarden Laserpunkten bestehen, bilden zusammen die Transparenzschichten des heiligen Gebäudes.

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Art – Governance
How can we utilize the power of art for the city of future?

The CQC brings together two speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds and a facilitator – called Catalyst – to create questions for the world to ponder within a 30-minute time limit.

Oribokit: Gardening for Robots
Matthew Gardiner (AU)

Robotic Origami Workshop with Matthew Gardiner. ’Oribokit: Gardening for Robots‘  introduces a new artscience kit by Ars Electronica Futurelab researcher Matthew Gardiner. The kit allows you to make your own robotic garden at home. The assembled kit grafts onto a tree branch and is designed to minimise material usage and maximise modular recyclability for robotic origami applications. Kits include 1,2 or 3 oribotic blossoms featuring easy-to-fold laser-cut paper, servo motors, drive wires, and Arduino compatible STM32 microcontroller plus open-source firmware.

Beside the Nibelungen bridge / Neben der Nibelungenbrucke
Matthew Gardiner (AU)

Festival, late, Golden Nicas delivered. A mixed hoard spill into Linz; eclectic electric musicians chattering in nihongo, intro-and-extro-verted artists and friends not seen for an age for the tyranny of distance. Drawn involuntarily to places warmer and happier than Hans in Glück, to a lone Würstlstand in Linz. Perhaps beside the Linzer Nibelungenbrucke.

Collective physical experiences at remote locations
Kyoko Kunoh (JP/AT)

Welche Telekommunikationstechnologie fördert das Teilen unserer sozialen Präsenz? Mit dem Ziel, die multimodale Telekommunikationsforschung in Zukunft zu fördern, führt diese Forschung eine Reihe von Experimenten durch, um verschiedene Dimensionen des Themas auf dem Gebiet der Telepräsenzanwendungen und -schnittstellen zu ermitteln.

Peter Holzkorn (AT)

Welche Teile der physischen Präsenz könnte die Telepräsenz in Zukunft ersetzen und welche neuen Möglichkeiten könnte sie schaffen? Welche Anreize braucht es, damit die Vorteile der Telepräsenz gegenüber Vorteilen einer physischen Reise überwiegen und in welchen Fällen sind diese anwendbar? Im Ars Electronica Futurelab wollen wir die Diskussion darüber anregen und Prototypen mit vielversprechenden Technologien schaffen.