Family / Youths

The award ceremony of category u19–create your world
The award ceremony of category u19–create your world is the real highlight of the create your world festival. All 24 winning projects are awarded here. This year, the event serves as a kick-off for the subsequent networking opportunities within the create your world festival.

Baukasten der Zukunft
Louise Amcha (AT), Hannah Ertl (AT), Leonid Stanislav Lang (AT) und Marlene Urban (AT)
The Baukasten der Zukunft (engl.: construction kit of the future) is an interactive thought experiment by a young group of artists. The project consists of a large, inviting wooden model of a landscape in which visitors can plan their own city. In addition, at the push of a button, a computer program builds a version of a city under the same conditions. Afterwards, the advantages and disadvantages of each version have to be evaluated and the best solution for our future has to be found.

The robodrum project is a robotic setup consisting of 4 KUKA robotic arms equipped with drums, which doesn’t aim to replicate a human performance exactly, nor to be better or faster than one. Instead, it becomes an algorithmic system that allows visitors to leave acoustic traces.

Garlic Med.Eat.Ation
Jennifer Katanyoutanant (US/TH), Grace Cong Xin Wong - Art Farm (US/HK), Zden Brungot Svíteková (SK)
The first chapter in our continuing Remote Intimacy series, Garlic Med. Eat. Ation creates sensory solidarity by exploring how intimacy can be shared remotely/virtually through touch and taste. Please bring a clove of garlic to experience the exhibit.

Local mutation imaginaries. Mapuche Culture Workshop.
As part of the celebration of the “Año Nuevo en el Sur” (Southern New Year), the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology of the Museological Direction, is conducting Workshops on Mapuche Culture taught by David Rain Canicura, peumatufe (the authority that guides the direction and decision-making of the community based on dreams) and nguillatufe (the authority responsible for the ceremony of Nguillatun). The proposal of the Mutations program is to generate a pre-recorded workshop that will allow the Mapuche imaginary about mutations to be better understood, as well as the experience of Mapuche communities in the current pandemic.

Telluric Mutations. The 1960 earthquake.
On May 22, 2020, 60 years since the largest seismic catastrophe ever recorded in the world was commemorated, a catastrophe whose epicenter was the city of Valdivia. The event had profound landscape, social, economic and cultural consequences for the affected cities and territories. The earthquake was a complex heritage where catastrophe and community resilience converge. The activity of the Austral Garden program is to share the series of initiatives prepared by the Museological Direction of Universidad Austral de Chile.

Prix Ars Electronica u19–create your world
This year’s u19 exhibition will invite all winners to exchange ideas and projects with each other. Their “homebase” will be the physical exhibition of the projects, where the winners can explain these to other artists and visitors. They will share their talents and show the audience of Ars Electronica Festival their view of possible future scenarios. In 2019, the Prix Ars Electronica's u19–create your world category was divided into two sections. First, ideas and projects could be submitted to YOUNG CREATIVES (up to age 14). This sub-category impressively demonstrates how children can help shape the present and future from their own perspective. For YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (14 - 19 years), innovative lateral thinkers who have developed an artistic or critical project for the world of tomorrow are in demand.

Festivalpost: Topic Twist
Ars Electronica create your world (AT)
The Festivalpost (engl.: Festival Post) may remind some people of beloved Postcity by name, but the content of Festival Post focuses on this year's festival topics. At least, in the beginning. By the alternation of words, meanings twist and turn and in the end, a chain, a transformation or some form of further development is created as Festival Post. Will democracy become a duck, autonomy a ladder, humanity an alien-eating rocket-pen? We are curious about the journeys the topics will take.

Meter machen
Maria Anna Eckerstorfer, Sabine Touzimsky-Köstler, Wolfgang Schreibelmayr, Lisa Wieder/ Kunstuniversität Linz, Projekt Abteilung Bildnerische Erziehung (AT)
Keeping distance is a very important rule. But as we humans are, situations arise that are hilarious, super funny or totally confusing. At this year's Ars Electronica Festival, we want to collect exactly such scenes. Send us a self-produced photo or a very short text about your experience by mail and follow us on Instagram at kunstuni.linz.metermachen.

future walk
Bettina Gangl (AT), Birgit Pölz (AT), Helmut Doblhofer (AT) –TeilnehmerInnen Virtual Office FAB Linz (AT)
The young people at the Virtual Office have thought about autonomy and how automated processes and AI will influence our future lives. Through different strategies, they will visualize their fantasies, dreams and fears. They share their thoughts and future visions in an augmented reality walk.

Tourismus von morgen
Ars Electronica, Oberösterreich Tourismus (AT)
Within the framework of the long-term project "Tourismus von morgen" (Tourism of Tomorrow), submissions from the pool of the Prix Ars Electronica category *u19-create your world* were selected for a commissioned project together with the organization Oberösterreich Tourismus.

CoderDojo Linz (AT)
The CoderDojo is a club for children and young people who want to learn programming and have fun doing it. In regular meetings, they learn how to write code, develop websites or program games and apps.

Tagtool Connect
Bei ihrem vierten Auftritt beim Festival Ars Electronica präsentieren OMAi die erste öffentliche Online-Multiplayer-Tagtool-Session, bei der sich ausgewählte internationale Künstler*innen über das Internet zusammenschließen, um spontane Projektionskunst zu schaffen.

Master Class Audio Design Goes Interactive
Master Class Audio Design @ St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (AT)
The Master Class Audio Design allows students to experience a wide range of audio designs. This is made possible by focusing on four projects which all students design, develop, plan, implement and evaluate independently over the course of four semesters. From this year's semester projects, three were selected to be presented at the Ars Electronica Festival.

STEAM Popup Lab
JKU Linz School of Education (AT)
STEAM Popup Lab is a virtual journey to understand the meaning of patterns all around us. Patterns are everywhere, from fractals in nature to blood vessels in the human body, through the oscillating signals produced by the sensors of a phone. You can control robots, fold origami patterns, measure the signal of a playground swing, be part of a live chemistry lab session, and more.

Air on Air
Yasuaki Kakehi (JP), Daisuke Akatsuka (JP), Juri Fujii (JP), Yoshimori Yoshikawa(JP), Joung Min Han (KR)
This work is an installation that connects distant places online. Bubble machines at the installation site then creates soap bubbles based on the breath data of online participants in real time. Through a web browser, they can see the bubbles floating in the air as if they are blowing in person at the venue. This work allows participants to feel the air in a remote location. And it also gives them a way to communicate to the remote location ”physically” in these times of restricted mobility.

Above the Below
Mathieu Zurstrassen (BE)
_ /bəˈloʊ/ is an exterior sound installation, featuring a pipe emitting an audio file emerging from the ground. The audio file is a lecture from the book *How to Analyze People on Sight*, written in 1921 by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict.

Visit the Moon with an astrophysicist!
Cité de l’espace (FR)
Come visit the Moon with French astrophysicist and co-discoverer of ice on the Moon, Sylvestre Maurice! He will guide you through the “Moon exhibition” in Cité de l’espace, the space museum in Toulouse, France. These 4 videos were made as part of the “children’s science conference” that invited pupils to imagine their schools on the Moon. Through the eyes of an astrophysicist who has dedicated his life to solar system exploration, click and discover step by step the immersive "Moon exhibition".

Austria in Space Garden
Austria in Space (AT)
Austria in Space is more than just another website. It is THE place for Space in Austria. At the Ars Electronica Festival, the Austria in Space initiative will present some of their program highlights and show how relevant Austrian innovations are to the global space exploration sector.

The Pangolin Scales
Thomas Faseth (AT), Harald Pretl (AT), Christoph Guger (AT), Anouk Wipprecht (NL)
The Pangolin Scales demonstrates the world’s first 1.024 channel brain-computer interface (BCI), which is able to extract information from the human brain with an unprecedented resolution to control an interactive, fashionable dress.