Siri, such "Programmiererin": Was tun gegen den Digital Gender Divide in Österreich?
Ars Electronica x Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht, Ingrid Brodnig (AT), Christiane Spiel (AT), Gerfried Stocker (AT), Carina Zehetmaier (AT), Mariana Karepova (AT), Martina Mara (AT), Doris Schmidauer (AT)
In the context of Ars Electronica 2021, the "Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht" (IDC) launched by Doris Schmidauer invites high-ranking experts from the fields of education, technology, business, culture and media to a panel discussion, which we will address the following questions: What are the causes of the digital gender divide? What concrete measures need to be taken in Austria to create digital equality of opportunity for women?
Symposium Universitas
Johannes Kepler University Linz (AT)
How can young people get a head-start to prepare for the world of tomorrow and upcoming challenges? This symposium will explore digital technologies and their impact on society, especially regarding university teaching and research. The various topics in the program will spark discussion; topics include current positions and insight in regard to future skills, transdisciplinary collaboration in science and academia, innovative educational methods, micro-credentials, and alternative metrics to measure scientific output.
Education Conference: A New Digital Deal for Online Open Schooling
Anna Kaufmann (AT), Sonja Groiss (AT), Michaela Schober (AT), L. Vanessa Gruber (AT), Beate Absalon (DE), Andrew Newman (AU/AT)
While it is evident that the advantages of face-to-face teaching and learning in schools are irreplaceable, online education offers opportunities to open classrooms to wider society, where students can learn from artists, researchers, activists, industry leaders and other experts in their field.
Education Conference: „Am Puls“- Science Talk
Elisabeth Rosemann (AT), Fares Kayali (AT), Gernot Hörmann (AT)
At the Ars Electronica Festival's "Am Puls" Science Talk, educational researcher Fares Kayali and software developer and "Edutech" expert Elisabeth Rosemann (CoderDojo Linz) will take a look at the digital education of tomorrow. Moderated by Gernot Hörmann, they will discuss the consequences of technology and learning moving ever closer together.
Branch Magazine Symposium: Climate Change Education and the Internet
Chair: Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino (UK) Low Carbon Design Institute, Panelists: David Jennings (UK) XR Academy, Anshuman Bapna (IN), Emma Richards (UK) The Carbon Literacy Project
This panel discussion will explore the impact of the internet on education models for climate change. From open resources, to online training and social-media powered snackable information, the internet has completely changed what universal and effective education models look like, or has it?
Symposium Perspectives on Political Education: NEULAND - A Society on Expedition
Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich x Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich
The world is in a phase of upheaval, virtually on an expedition to the NEW LAND. Science-based approaches and rational action are being disrupted by populism, conspiracy theories and religious battles. Social thinking and action as well as a basic humanitarian attitude are indispensable in such a situation. Education is an indispensable prerequisite.