
A.I. Brunch: Here Be (Intelligent) Dragons – New Horizons for Creative AI in the Arts

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Sonntag, 11. September 2022, 10:00 - 12:00
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
KEPLER’S GARDENS, Transformation Lounge
Number of participants: 20
Level of Expertise: Intermediate to Expert, English only
Please Note: Only holders of an Ars Electronica FESTIVALPASS(+) OR ONE-DAY-PASS OR Festival University Students are eligible to attend workshops held in the framework of the Ars Electronica Festival 2022!
If registration is closed, come directly to the venue to check if there are available places left.

Register here

More information (PDF)

A Sunday Brunch Session and horizon scanning for intelligent, immersive, fair, and environmentally sound experiences fit for the next generation of globally connected audiences.

The New Real invites you to join this Sunday Brunch Session before you head to the departure lounge of Planet B.

Attendees will explore the theme of Next Generation Intelligent Experiences through a combination of interactive activities to imagine, navigate and shape future landscapes for creative AI and the transformative shift arising from an emerging generation of AI technologies that directly engage audiences.

In attending this dynamic workshop you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other expert practitioners on stimulating challenges and join a growing interdisciplinary network of engaged minds. The outcomes of this workshop will directly inform a new research programme between The New Real and The Alan Turing Institute, and feed into a report – all participants will be invited to join these efforts on an opt-in basis.

Watch out for

  • An introduction to a new research theme on Next Generation Intelligent Experiences from The New Real and Alan Turing Institute
  • Structured design sessions to shape your next project or programme
  • Discussion and networking
  • Brunch is provided free of cost to workshop participants: refuel, reflect and reconnect!

By purchasing a ticket participants agree to recieve information and updates about the workshop. They also consent to have their pictures and videos taken and their voices recorded.


Dr. Daga Panas is a Data Scientist at the University of Edinburgh, working in the Data Science Unit for Science, Health, People, and Environment. She holds a PhD in Computational Neuroscience and an MSc in Physics and describes herself as an all-round-geek, when pressed to write in third person. She has a varied background, including, in no particular order: deploying Machine Learning in a business environment, guiding punting tours on the river Cam, and research on the benefit of naps (often conducted personally).
Holly Warner is a Postdoctoral Researcher on The New Real programme at the Edinburgh Futures Institute, working on technology transitions within the Experiential AI research group. Her research interests focus on technological futures, fostering resilience in the digital pivot, human-centred creative AI, AI art, and explainable artificial intelligence. She completed her PhD in 2020 at the University of St Andrews examining creative praxis and technological mediation, with regard to digital and analogue hardware, and an ethnographic research focus on phenomenologies of sound and compositional process. Prior to her role at the University of Edinburgh she worked with an existential risk NGO researching emerging technologies and AI governance. She holds an MSc from University of Edinburgh and an MA from Queen’s University Belfast.

Caroline Sinders is a machine-learning-design researcher and artist. For the past few years, she has been examining the intersections of technology’s impact in society, interface design, artificial intelligence, abuse, and politics in digital, conversational spaces. Sinders is the founder of Convocation Design + Research, an agency focusing on the intersections of machine learning, user research, designing for public good, and solving difficult communication problems. As a designer and researcher, she has worked with Amnesty International, Intel, IBM Watson, the Wikimedia Foundation, and others.

Dr. Drew Hemment is an artist, designer and academic researcher. He is Chancellors Fellow at Edinburgh Futures Institute and Edinburgh College of Art at the University of Edinburgh. He leads the Experiential AI research theme, supporting artists and scientists to create accountable and responsible AI, and the GROW Observatory, a continental scale citizens‘ observatory. Drew founded FutureEverything in 1995, and was Artistic Director for 23 years of the UK’s annual festival of digital culture.