Signage on public toilets reflects our social ideals. BODIE:S addresses the underrepresentation of different body shapes and identities. Initiated by human interaction, the installation uses an algorithm to generate unique pictograms consisting of simple basic geometric shapes. The animation is displayed on a tripartite screen and printed on sticker paper. In doing so, the installation actively invites visitors to claim and re-label public spaces. The artist also consciously uses physical space to outline the missing space for diverse body shapes and identities. She forces people to cross paths with it by positioning the installation in highly frequented spots. Visually, BODIE:S draws parallels to a one-armed bandit wrapped in handmade ceramic tiles that represent exemplary pictograms and turns them into a tangible experience. The installation actively invites visitors to enter new perspectives and create space for critical discourse.

Institut für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung unter der Leitung von Doris Weichselbaumer
Project Credits: Lisa Caligagan, Johannes Traun, Paracetamol Collective