Yesterday chairs, tables, computers and other hardware have been packed up, today they are set up in the Tabakfabrik. The hardest part of the move is done, the Ars Electronica Solutions have a new home!
The last Spaxel-Test of the year took place at the Donauparkstadium, home of Blau-Weiß Linz. The test was about finding out how the quadrocopter and especially their batteries work at low temperatures, but new shapes and animations were tested as well.
Ars Electronica Solutions is lifting off in 2013. The team is getting bigger, there’s more products and projects, so there’s a need for more space. Starting today, people and equipment are moving into the Tabakfabrik Linz, where Solutions is going to have a new home.
[:de]Was haben John Lasseter, der erste Animator bei Pixar Studios, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, der Erfinder von HTML, einer der Grundlagen des heutigen Internets, und Wikipedia gemeinsam? Alle Erwähnten wurden entweder mit einer Goldenen Nica oder einem Ehrenpreis des Prix Ars Electronica ausgezeichnet. Der renommierte Medienkunstpreis geht 2013 in die 27te Runde, die Einreichung ist mit…
TEA Collective Wisdom is still running at the NTMOFA in Taichung. Ars Electronica has again provided a couple of installations. We have asked Shu-Min Lin, one of the curators, about topics concerning the exhibition.
Am 12.12.2012 ist Martina Sochor mit einem Team bestehend aus Studierenden der Kunstuni Linz in Linz unterwegs beteiligt sich am One Day On Earth. Wir haben sie auf ein kurzes Gespräch abgefangen.
At the press conference held in conjunction with the opening of “Robots – Human and Machine?” we asked Bodo-Michael Baumunk (curator), Christopher Lindinger (head of R&D at the Ars Electronica Futurelab), Gabriele Zuna-Kratky (director of Vienna’s Museum of Technology) and Helene Wagner (project supervisor) to tell us how the exhibition came about and give us…
Robots, robots, robots—those that do nasty, dangerous jobs without complaint, those that can bear the heaviest loads and are fluent in all the world’s languages. We’ve seen them in books and movies, but rarely in everyday life. Though we’re already well into the 21st century, most of our homes aren’t yet staffed by a domestic…
One day, 24 hours. You could break down these units even further into seconds, milliseconds and so forth. One might consider a day in terms of the Earth’s rotation, the time our planet takes to spin once on its axis, the Sun rising and setting, but then of course there’s also the night, and it…
[:de]Das Team hinter Zeit ist Held erzählt im Interview, wie die Idee zur Ausstellung entstanden ist, was sie persönlich aus der Recherche mitgenommen haben und worüber sie sich besonders freuen würden. Die Ausstellungseröffnung ist am 6.12. um 18:30 Uhr, nehmen Sie sich die Zeit!
Mr. Casti, you turn your attention to extreme events that occur suddenly without warning and shake-up our world view. Do you know which catastrophic “X-Events” await us in Austria in the near future? Probably the most threatening X-event would be a nuclear accident in one of the neighboring countries. But an equally damaging, although longer…
You have your clocks, we have the time. But time is relative. There’s no substitute for taking time, even when it’s running like sand through your fingers. Is my time more valuable than yours? Lifetime, cooking time, Christmastime, prime time. Full-time? Time is something that determines everyday life, characterizes it, divides it up into quantifiable,…
Newcastle, Australia. Beijing. Singapore. Linz. Four cities, seemingly selected at random, will coalesce into a single integrated concert hall on November 30, 2012. The International Space Time Concerto brings together musicians all across the face of the Earth. Together with a chorus, they’ll perform nine pieces using instruments as well as iPhones and iPads.
The Ars Electronica Futurelab’s quadrocopter formation that debuted at the 2012 voestalpine Klangwolke has created a sensation, one that commenced on site during the extravaganza itself and has continued online ever since. But since, as we all know, laurels aren’t for resting on, Futurelab staffers are already hard at work taking their Spaxel concept to…
Mahir Yavuz sums up the Global Marathon 2012. It was organized by with sponsoring by GE and Google. Check out some pictures at and the rest of the article after the break.
The Deep Space Live – Series “LINZ_EINST/JETZT” which compares historical pictures of Linz with their current views is having it’s next installment on November 15th at the Ars Electronica Center. MMag. Maria Jenner, who’s taking care of coordinating and programming the series and works at the Archiv der Stadt Linz talks about how the cooperation…
There’s a lot of things to learn from Neuroscience. Dr. Manuela Macedonia talks about the impact that findings from this field can have on a lot of other disciplines and why the knowledge transfer is not always easy. Macedonia will be having her last “Brain For Everybody” – Talk for 2012 on November 15 at…
[:de]Der Collide@CERN Residency Award geht in die zweite Runde, wieder haben sich Dutzende Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus der ganzen Welt um die Möglichkeit beworben, am CERN in Genf und im Ars Electronica Futurelab in Linz ihre Projekte in einer potentiell komplett neuen Umgebung umzusetzen, mit den hellsten Köpfen aus der Welt der Wissenschaft und der…
Seed was one of the big partners of THE BIG PICTURE, were responsible for an exhibition and one panel of the symposium. Seed is also behind, a plattform that’s a hub for designers, reseachers and everyone else interested in datavisualisation. From November 9th to November 11th they will be hosting the biggest competition in…
[:de]Big Picture ist jetzt auch im Deep Space des Ars Electronica Centers zu sehen.