The Ars Electronica Blog recently published an interview with Christine Schöpf and Jürgen Hagler about the Prix and computer animation. In this installment, they discuss the Animation Festival.
All eyes will be on the heavens at the Ars Electronica Center from late February to early March. Sky Loft is hosting the 2013 Central European Deepsky Imaging Conference (CEDIC, a major astrophotography conclave), and Deep Space will be the venue of a spectacular program of accompanying events. We recently had a chance to chat…
Possible Futures took place in October 2012 in Sao Paulo. Gerfried Stocker and Manuela Naveau helped develop this conference, curator Giselle Beiguelman reveals how the collaboration came along and what we should take away from the conference.
Students of the HLW school in Steyr have recently visited the Ars Electronica Center to make use of the Eyetracker at the BrainLab. Check out what they needed it for.
Horst Hörtner was at the Oslolux 2013 where he was talking about Spaxels. Fontourist has summarized his lecture in one picture and it’s absolutely great.
Bill Fontana, der Gewinner des Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Residency Awards, wurde für vier Tage nach Genf zu CERN eingeladen, um dort seine Einführung in die Aktivitäten und Forschungsgebiete von CERN zu bekommen. Als Koordinatorin des Programmes seitens der Ars Electronica war es mir eine Ehre, diese Zeit mit dem Künstler und Ariane Koek, der…
[:de]Es herrscht Aufbruchsstimmung. Die Ars Electronica Solutions ist schon seit 2012 unterwegs, die Vergrößerung des Teams und der Wechsel in die Tabakfabrik sorgen für eine ordentliche Portion an neuer Motivation. Michael Badics und Bernd Albl, die für den Bereich verantwortlich zeichnen, erzählen über Vorhaben und Ziele.
2013 is the 27th edition of Prix Ars Electronica, so there’s quite some history to look back on. Christine Schöpf, who has been around from the beginning, talks about the not so humble beginnings of the Prix and discusses the current trends in computer-animation, vfx and so on with Jürgen Hagler, who is an expert…
Digital vs. real identity, “invented” identity, identity theft, things that you intentionally divulge and those you reveal unknowingly
For many years, Linz’s Tabakfabrik tobacco processing plant was a city landmark, a symbol of work and prosperity. The gloomy days of privatization and the accompanying decline in significance are over. What began to a certain extent with REPAIR, the 2010 Ars Electronica Festival, is now being continued under the direction of Chris Müller. The…
We recently published an interview with Oliver Bimber, head of the Institute of Computer Graphics at Johannes Kepler University Linz, in which we went into the subject of light-field photography. On January 31, 2013, our interviewee will be the star of a Deep Space Live. To provide a sneak preview of what light-field photography is…
Where are you travel this year? Where is your favorite holiday destination? And which destination can you recommend? Also this year, the Ars Electronica in Linz is part of the Ferien Messe Linz 2013 and invites the visitors to talk about their upcoming holiday through the Shadowgram.
Toru Hayai was the first one to submit his work for the Prix 2013, only a couple of hours into the submission-process. We have caught up with him to find out a little bit about him and his work. Who are you and what do you spend your time with? I’m Toru Hayai, CG director…
Watch Ars Electronica’s entry for One Day on Earth 2012 and have a look behind the scenes of the Center, the Festival/Prix/Export-Team, the Futurelab and Solutions.
Yesterday chairs, tables, computers and other hardware have been packed up, today they are set up in the Tabakfabrik. The hardest part of the move is done, the Ars Electronica Solutions have a new home!
The last Spaxel-Test of the year took place at the Donauparkstadium, home of Blau-Weiß Linz. The test was about finding out how the quadrocopter and especially their batteries work at low temperatures, but new shapes and animations were tested as well.
Ars Electronica Solutions is lifting off in 2013. The team is getting bigger, there’s more products and projects, so there’s a need for more space. Starting today, people and equipment are moving into the Tabakfabrik Linz, where Solutions is going to have a new home.
[:de]Was haben John Lasseter, der erste Animator bei Pixar Studios, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, der Erfinder von HTML, einer der Grundlagen des heutigen Internets, und Wikipedia gemeinsam? Alle Erwähnten wurden entweder mit einer Goldenen Nica oder einem Ehrenpreis des Prix Ars Electronica ausgezeichnet. Der renommierte Medienkunstpreis geht 2013 in die 27te Runde, die Einreichung ist mit…
TEA Collective Wisdom is still running at the NTMOFA in Taichung. Ars Electronica has again provided a couple of installations. We have asked Shu-Min Lin, one of the curators, about topics concerning the exhibition.
Am 12.12.2012 ist Martina Sochor mit einem Team bestehend aus Studierenden der Kunstuni Linz in Linz unterwegs beteiligt sich am One Day On Earth. Wir haben sie auf ein kurzes Gespräch abgefangen.
At the press conference held in conjunction with the opening of “Robots – Human and Machine?” we asked Bodo-Michael Baumunk (curator), Christopher Lindinger (head of R&D at the Ars Electronica Futurelab), Gabriele Zuna-Kratky (director of Vienna’s Museum of Technology) and Helene Wagner (project supervisor) to tell us how the exhibition came about and give us…