He is considered one of the most influential contemporary artists in China. On November 2, 2019, Qiu Zhijie of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, together with the Design Society and his curator colleague Martin Honzik of Ars Electronica, will open the new exhibition “40 Years of Humanizing Technology” in Shenzhen.
It is the prelude to the first ever “AIxMusic Festival” and at the same time one of the last concerts to take place at POSTCITY Linz during the Ars Electronica Festival. We talked to Norbert Trawöger, the artistic director of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz, and Gerfried Stocker, the artistic director of Ars Electronica, about this…
Viennese artist starsky has won the 2018 Marianne.von.Willemer Prize for digital media with her guerilla projection tour “niemand mischt sich ein” (“nobody gets involved”). In this interview she tells about her activist and feminist work.
At the Ars Electronica Festival’s Get Inspired innovation forum on September 6th, Claudia Novak, a communications expert and TEDxLinz curator, will discuss why we urgently need more transparency in our dealings with errors. We talked to her about failure and how to handle it.
Where are all the women in electronic music? This question has been posed since the 1990s by Elisabeth Schimana, a music pioneer who’s the Featured Artist at this year’s Ars Electronica Festival September 6-10, 2018. In Linz, she’ll present “Hidden Alliances,” a selection of her works on this subject.
As part of the makeover of Café Sacher Eck in Vienna, Ars Electronica Solutions implemented three innovative projects on the premises of this traditional Viennese landmark. A core element of this collaborative effort is a diorama in which Sacher Moments are played out amidst a papercraft model of the Sacher complex featuring playful animated sequences.…
For her proposal to send a robot with artistic skills into outer space, robotics engineer Sarah Petkus was the recipient of an Honorary Mention from the 2016 art&science@ESA. In this interview, she talks about her plans for her upcoming residency at the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Ars Electronica Futurelab, about humane robots, and…
This year’s STARTS PRIZE recipients come from Japan and Switzerland. “I’m Humanity” garnered the Grand Prize for Artistic Exploration for Etsuko Yakushimaru; the Grand Prize for Innovative Collaboration goes to Gramazio Kohler Research at ETH–Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the Self-Assembly Lab at MIT for their “Rock Print” installation.
Mainstays of media art in general and the Prix Ars Electronica’s Hybrid Art category in particular are hybrid and transdisciplinary projects and approaches. In this interview, juror Ghalia Elsrakbi talks about her take on hybrid art and what she sees as the role art can play in 2017.
Réka Bucsi’s animated short film “Symphony no. 42” got her shortlisted at the 87th Academy Awards. In April, she’ll be one of the 2017 Prix Ars Electronica jurors selecting this year’s Golden Nica recipients.
Ars Electronica launched an online database especially for women in media arts in September 2016. Women in Media Arts now makes it possible for users themselves to input information and modify the database’s entries about female artists. Here, project manager Florina Costamoling provides a brief introduction to the database designed to be used by, among…
Born in Linz in 1894, Klemens Brosch went on to become one of 20th-century Austria’s most outstanding graphic artists, best known for his magical landscapes and melancholy imagery. Deep Space is now featuring jumbo-format projections of some of his small-scale drawings.
Even if signals aren’t being received from the Schiaparelli Test Lander on that evening, we nevertheless had an absolutely fascinating time at the ESA Mission Control Centre in Darmstadt, where we followed the decisive moments of the Mars landing in the company of scientists and artist Aoife Van Linden Tol. Here, we present a few…
Aoife van Linden Tol takes printed objects that are endowed with emotions and gives them a new start. In her performance “Second Story,” she blows up old photos, passports, love letters, etc. in controlled explosions. Here, she tells us how her first test detonation went, what we can expect in her September performance, and how…
Violent explosions are sources of particular fascination to artist Aoife Van Linden Tol. An art&science residency is giving her the opportunity to visit the European Space Agency (ESA) and Ars Electronica Futurelab to soak up a healthy dose of inspiration for her next project. In this interview, she talks about, among other things, the fact…
Designer, artist and programmer Lauren McCarthy explores the structures and systems of social interaction, identity as well as self-presentation and the potential of technology of how it can influence the dynamics between those traits. During her Transmit³-Residency at the Queensland University of Technology, she wants to find out about the influence of Big Data on…
The first series of SPARKS exhibitions running in four European cities showcases four artist-in-residency recipients’ highly individualistic takes on the subject of Responsible Research and Innovation and the fascinating ways they developed them further at the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
We are pleased to announce the names of the artists who will be coming to the Ars Electronica Futurelab to develop exhibits for the Sparks project!