Stefan Mittlböck-Jungwirth-Fohringer

  • NHM Deck 50

    NHM Deck 50

    Participative platform for science communication

    With the aim of using Citizen Science to awaken the researcher’s instinct in visitors and to get the public more involved in the scientific processes in the museum, the Natural History Museum Vienna has developed a new platform for science communication together with the Ars Electronica Futurelab and INSEQ Design: In the new Deck 50,…

  • NHM on tour

    NHM on tour

    The innovative and interactive museum e-bike intends to support the Citizen Science Initiative of the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM) and was conceptualized and developed in cooperation with the Ars Electronica Futurelab and Inseq Design for the intercontextual knowledge transfer between research and society.

  • Open Futurelab 2020

    Open Futurelab 2020

    Das Open Futurelab 2020 ermöglichte einen Blick hinter die LED-erleuchtete Fassade und auf die Forschungsschwerpunkte des Labors, sowohl online als auch vor Ort in Linz: Im Rahmen des Ars Electronica Festival bot das Labor-Team öffentliche Führungen durch seine Ateliers und Studios der Einrichtung an.

  • Open Futurelab 2019

    Open Futurelab 2019

    Das Festivalgelände der POSTCITY in Linz wurde bis 2019 als Bühne für Open Futurelab genutzt. Der gemeinsam mit der japanischen Rundfunkanstalt NHK entwickelte Media Platz war der Prototyp eines offenen Medienplatzes aus Karton und hochauflösenden Bildschirmen, der als Forum für öffentliche Debatten diente. Dort fanden verschiedene Podiumsdiskussionen statt, u. a. zum Thema „Welche Rolle sollte…

  • pinocchio


    Two industrial robots play the role of two marionettes. The motions of a human puppeteer were recorded and are copied by the two robot arms. What happens when we are able to digitalize and therefore replicate highly complicated human abilities such as puppetry?

  • Understanding AI

    Understanding AI

    Was können wir uns unter dem Konzept der künstlichen Intelligenz vorstellen und was wollen wir damit erreichen? Und was verstehen wir eigentlich von der menschlichen Intelligenz und wie kann man versuchen, ein Modell von ihr zu erstellen?

  • Stille Nacht 200

    Stille Nacht 200

    On the 200th anniversary of the Christmas classic Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht the Salzburg Museum, as one of seven parts of the Salzburg Provincial Exhibition, presented various facets of the song in the curated tour Silent Night 200 – History. Message. Present.

  • Augmented Humanity @SAP Pavilion

    Augmented Humanity @SAP Pavilion

    In 2012, Europe’s largest software manufacturer SAP commissioned the Ars Electronica Futurelab with a representative work on the 40th anniversary of the former start-up. The exhibition format “40 – years of Future” was specially developed for the planned company museum in order to communicate the company’s history and key inventions to the general public.

  • Open Futurelab 2018

    Open Futurelab 2018

    Nach einer längeren Phase der Integration von Beiträgen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab an unterschiedlichen Schauplätzen des Festivals, sollte mit der Initiative Open Futurelab 2018 in der POSTCITY erstmals eine zentrale Schnittstelle für das kreative internationale Netzwerk des Labors entstehen.

  • insight | out

    insight | out

    insight | out, a work of media art by the Ars Electronica Futurelab, is a portrait of Oberbank AG Linz rendered on a fragmented frieze made up of eight video screens. The medium itself thus evokes the multiplicity of influences that flow into this portrait – the values that this long-established financial institution represents, the…

  • SAP Data Kitchen

    SAP Data Kitchen

    The Ars Electronica Futurelab assisted SAP in designing a meeting place for innovative start-ups based on the model of the Hana Café in Palo Alto. The so-called Data Space, which would take shape at Rosenthalerstraße 38 in the center of Berlin, features two storeys of which the first floor is composed of an event space…

  • Building Bridges

    Building Bridges

    The Bridge is one of the main passageways connecting two building complexes on the SAP Walldorf campus and it is host to the interactive music piece Building Bridges, jointly composed with Vienna-based composer Rupert Huber. Translating the movements of the pedestrians through a compositional algorithm, The Bridge serves as stage and instrument at the same time.