create your world

Open Kitchen
As in 2019, this year's create your world festival will once again feature a rich buffet with products from regional suppliers! With freshly harvested products, the buffet will offer visitors and artists a place to exchange, discuss and inspire.

Build Together / Don´t waste IT
VFQ Gesellschaft für Frauen und Qualifikation mbH (AT)
In the spirit of the motto "Create Your World", visitors are invited to draw wishes, contributions, etc. for their world or simply formulate them as a message. These drawn contributions will be scanned and transferred to a CNC milling machine and produced in duplicate. One of the two pieces can be taken home by the visitors. The duplicate will be part of a work of art that will be composed of all contributions until the end on Sunday.

Virtual Office FAB Linz (AT), Bettina Gangl (AT), Reinhard Zach (AT), Edwin Husic (AT), Birgit Pölz (AT), Helmut Doblhofer (AT), Tina Pesendorfer (AT)
THE HARBOR is an augmented reality walk developed within a workshop with the youth of the Virtual Office. The Virtual Office offers computer training for young people with physical disabilities.

roadLAB – Mobiler Maker*Space des Technischen Museum Wien
Technisches Museum Wien (AT)
The Technical Museum Vienna goes mobile. The roadLAB is a fully equipped Maker*Space with 3D printers, laser cutter, sewing machine, laptops, own WIFI and much more. Visitors can focus on tinkering, designing and creating. A team of explainers with different backgrounds will be available for additional support in operating the machines and in the creative process.

Escape Fake
Polycular (AT): Irina Paraschivoiu (RO), Thomas Layer-Wagner (AT), Robert Praxmarer (AT), Simon Linder (AT), Jürgen Brunner (AT), Michael Kager (AT) and Julian Watzinger (AT)
In a not too distant future, humanity lives in a post-truth world. The proliferation of Fake News and Deep Fake tools used in political campaigns create a fractured, dystopian reality where it is hard to distinguish what is real and what is not. Companies working with artificial intelligence are gaining power and influence, selling the "truth" to the highest bidder(s).

Power Playground – Energiewende Linz
Verein Energiewende Linz “VEL”: Helwin Prohaska (AT), Martin Siedler (AT)
As a society, we are procrastinating on the fight against climate change, and we still lack concrete goals to overcome this procrastination. The participants of the Energiewende Linz association have asked themselves what the industrial city of Linz could look like if Linzers were to give up this procrastination and take matters into their own hands. With their projects, they present goals that people can work on right now, such as the goal of living in a house that produces more electricity than it needs.

Pixel picnic rug
Nähküche. Eine offene Nähwerkstatt (AT): Martina Eigner (AT), Barbara Gamsjäger (AT), Andrea Fink (AT), Daniela Mittelmann (AT), Dagmar Pröslmeyr (AT), Silvia Neubauer (AT), Daniela Mandler (AT)
Individually designed textile pixels join together to form a picnic rug. Several individual pieces - each one unique - form the basis for a social gathering: a picnic rug. The pixel picnic rug invites you to enjoy nature, awakens memories and longings.

Bike Kitchen
Bike Kitchen Linz (AT)
The Bikekitchen Linz is an open non-profit self-help workshop where anyone can repair, pimp, service or modify their bike.

I want to see how you see - A film about disability/inclusion/ableism
Julia Hametner (AT), Anamaria Zupancic (AT), Anna Hametner (AT), Lena Holzer (AT), Nicole Höflinger (AT), Stefanie Dürnberger (AT), Tobias Huber (AT)
What makes us the same? What makes us different? This very personal documentary film, created by six friends, deals with the topic of disability and sheds light on the concepts of ableism, normality, physical empowerment, stigmatization and social inclusion and exclusion. The film focuses on the perceptions and interpersonal relationships of the protagonists and critiques the problems of inclusion in the primary labor market.

Green Jobs?
SmartUp – Fit für die Lehre in Oberösterreich (AT)
Where are the Green Jobs? Professions that are gathered under the term "Green Jobs" are considered sustainable and promising. However: Which professions are they exactly? Which activities do they involve? What kind of training can young people pursue in this field?