As part of the makeover of Café Sacher Eck in Vienna, Ars Electronica Solutions implemented three innovative projects on the premises of this traditional Viennese landmark. A core element of this collaborative effort is a diorama in which Sacher Moments are played out amidst a papercraft model of the Sacher complex featuring playful animated sequences.…
Fronius is the global market leader in robotic welding, and has made a name for itself worldwide in the field of arc & resistance spot welding. This year, Ars Electronica Solutions designed the company’s stand at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2017 in Düsseldorf, the world’s premier trade show for welding and cutting technology. In this interview,…
For “LabOratorium – An Alchemical WorldLab,” the Ars Electronica Solutions came up with an experimental exhibition concept that dovetails nicely with this year’s festival theme. This setup showcased the artists’ works and also gave the participating institutions an opportunity to show what they’re all about. We will show you some impressions of the exhibition at…
Spies, secret agents and intelligence operatives take note: In Berlin, state-of-the-art technologies are being used to blow the cover of all sorts of espionage activities. To find out more, visit Spy Museum Berlin, a joint operation with Ars Electronica Solutions.
We are all astronauts. The new exhibition “Spaceship Earth” at the Ars Electronica Center in collaboration with the ESA is dedicated to the fascinating and revealing satellite images of our planet.
The lobby of a company’s head office is its business card. Ars Electronica Solutions designed the Styriaversum to extend an impressive welcome to those entering the lobby of Styria Media Group AG’s stylish new headquarters.
Ars Electronica Solutions’ “Styriaversum” concept outshone a field of international competitors and was selected for the makeover of the 390-m2 lobby at Styria Media Group AG’s headquarters into an interactive brandland.
Future Playground is a showcase of notable new developments by the Ars Electronica Futurelab and Ars Electronica Solutions. Michael Badics explains which interactive products and services Ars Electronica Solutions be showcasing there.
Im LINZ VERÄNDERT Ausstellungszelt werfen die BesucherInnen bei interaktiven Stationen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des größten Dienstleisters der Stadt. Christian Gratzl, Marketingleiter der LINZ AG, spaziert mit uns durch die Lebensstadt.
On tap at the Göss Brewery Museum is everything you’d like to know about Austrians’ favorite drink—beer. And the museum has just undergone a bit of a facelift in collaboration with Ars Electronica Solutions. We recently had a chance to chat with project manager Claus Zweythurm about the thoroughly playful approach he took to this…
“L’Oracle du papillon” (the oracle of the butterfly) exhibition in Fribourg, Switzerland encourages visitors to get proactive and make a small contribution to enabling humankind to deal collectively with upcoming challenges. A key element of this exhibition is GeoPulse, the modern simulation & visualization tool provided by Ars Electronica Solutions.
The internet is pushing retail to it’s limits, offering endless opportunities to spend one’s well-earned money. Well working strategies of old don’t cut it anymore, in order to compete with onlineshops, one has to find clever ways to enhance the shopping-experience. Umdasch Shopfitting and Ars Electronica Solutions have teamed up to offer something new.
On September 7th 2013, the voestalpine Klangwolke 2013 – Bruckner lives! is going to take off, and the Ars Electronica will be part of it, with an app.
Michael Badics gives a first insight into the redesign of the exhibition area GeoCity, that will be accessible from mid April 2013 at the Ars Electronica Center.
[:de]Es herrscht Aufbruchsstimmung. Die Ars Electronica Solutions ist schon seit 2012 unterwegs, die Vergrößerung des Teams und der Wechsel in die Tabakfabrik sorgen für eine ordentliche Portion an neuer Motivation. Michael Badics und Bernd Albl, die für den Bereich verantwortlich zeichnen, erzählen über Vorhaben und Ziele.
For many years, Linz’s Tabakfabrik tobacco processing plant was a city landmark, a symbol of work and prosperity. The gloomy days of privatization and the accompanying decline in significance are over. What began to a certain extent with REPAIR, the 2010 Ars Electronica Festival, is now being continued under the direction of Chris Müller. The…
Where are you travel this year? Where is your favorite holiday destination? And which destination can you recommend? Also this year, the Ars Electronica in Linz is part of the Ferien Messe Linz 2013 and invites the visitors to talk about their upcoming holiday through the Shadowgram.
Yesterday chairs, tables, computers and other hardware have been packed up, today they are set up in the Tabakfabrik. The hardest part of the move is done, the Ars Electronica Solutions have a new home!
The last Spaxel-Test of the year took place at the Donauparkstadium, home of Blau-Weiß Linz. The test was about finding out how the quadrocopter and especially their batteries work at low temperatures, but new shapes and animations were tested as well.
Ars Electronica Solutions is lifting off in 2013. The team is getting bigger, there’s more products and projects, so there’s a need for more space. Starting today, people and equipment are moving into the Tabakfabrik Linz, where Solutions is going to have a new home.
Beijing is the fastest-growing megacity in the world, almost 20 million people walk the streets of this giant, which is growing constantly. The challenges a city of this size has to face, the amount of data that has to be processed and interpreted, can be overwhelming. GeoCity Smart City is exactly the right tool to…