Nach einer längeren Phase der Integration von Beiträgen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab an unterschiedlichen Schauplätzen des Festivals, sollte mit der Initiative Open Futurelab 2018 in der POSTCITY erstmals eine zentrale Schnittstelle für das kreative internationale Netzwerk des Labors entstehen.
Sie lassen uns die Welt um uns herum beinahe vergessen: Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen lassen uns tief in Bilder und Videos eintauchen und versprechen interaktive Erlebnisse. Um immersive Medien von einem Nischenphänomen zu einer weit verbreiteten Praxis auf dem Verbrauchermarkt zu führen, hat das dreijährige, von der EU geförderte Projekt Immersify mit fünf europäischen Partnern, darunter dem Ars…
insight | out, a work of media art by the Ars Electronica Futurelab, is a portrait of Oberbank AG Linz rendered on a fragmented frieze made up of eight video screens. The medium itself thus evokes the multiplicity of influences that flow into this portrait – the values that this long-established financial institution represents, the…
A collaboration between Japanese telecommunications giant NTT and the Ars Electronica Futurelab, Sky Compass is the first step towards a vision of employing drones (or UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in public signage, guidance and the facilitation of traffic.
The Ars Electronica Futurelab assisted SAP in designing a meeting place for innovative start-ups based on the model of the Hana Café in Palo Alto. The so-called Data Space, which would take shape at Rosenthalerstraße 38 in the center of Berlin, features two storeys of which the first floor is composed of an event space…
The six meter tall Monolith – completed in spring 2014 – consists of 24 frameless screens, wrapped in translucent mirror panels. These panels render the Monolith almost invisible at first glance and enhance it.
The Future Innovators Summit (FIS) is an intercultural workshop format which was initiated in 2014 and has developed until 2019 into the key think-tank program during the Ars Electronica Festival. At this summit, experienced professionals as well as young entrepreneurs and social activists, technicians and scientists, and of course artists and designers, met at the…
Im September 2012 wurde am Linzer Donauufer ein neues Medium geboren: Der weltweit erste groß angelegte Outdoor-Formationsdrohnenflug erleuchtete den Nachthimmel als Teil und Herzstück des Open-Air-Musikfestivals Klangwolke.
ZeitRaum (“TimeSpace”) is an interactive art installation the Ars Electronica Futurelab designed for the new terminal at Vienna International Airport. It creates real-time interpretations of arriving and departing flights.
In 2009, the inspiring possibilities of the CAVE technology were the starting point for a new, visionary concept to expand and optimize VR technology for a broad public in the Ars Electronica Center and its constantly growing number of visitors.