The Party Game with our Future
The premise is simple: Players take turns asking one another truth or dare?. If they choose “truth”, they have to answer a—possibly unpleasant—question. If the choice is “dare”, they must do a specific task instead of making a confession.

The more the climate crisis progresses, the more inflation, economic crises and wars come to a head, and the more dystopian the scenarios for the future are painted, the stronger the impression that there is a big party game going on. Depending on their mood or their own advantage, decisionmakers keep postponing important decisions—perhaps they lack the courage or the willingness to consider all the consequences and to answer the relevant questions truthfully. This leads to postponements—one prefers to accept measures that may be unpleasant for a short time, but do not have to admit the truth so completely.
The truth is: We have to do something. Now. And that is at the same time our duty (if we dare).
The create your world festival takes more and more this civil society role—it invites to think together about new ideas and actions, which goals of peaceful protests can and should pursue.
At the same time, the create your world festival will again offer a colorful platform for educators, young people and interested tinkerers. An artistic future fair that enables new ideas and inspirations.
Reconciling dystopia and utopia seems to be the most beautiful and at the same time most difficult challenge here: How can we together define and achieve a clear goal while taking advantage of the thoroughly positive development of technologies, research and human ingenuity?
So, we are playing truth and dare. Defining the truth seems to be the biggest dare at the moment.
Ambivalence-glued: A Sound Painting
Vincent Adali (AT), Kaja Weichselbaumer (AT)
Glue – interpreted as something that connects, sticks together as long as possible, repairs what is broken and revitalizes what is broken. The project Ambivalence, Glued uses a screen and headphones to examine the theme of glue as social cohesion.
Otelo eGen, Verein Otelo, Martin Hollinetz (AT), Hannelore Hollinetz (AT), Katharina Hollinetz (AT), Flora Nimue Hollinetz (AT), Eva Hübler (AT), Karim Hegazy (AT), Susanne Hörschläger (AT), Tobias Hollinetz (AT)
Art-Creagravity is placed in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the festival and yet is a space unto itself. It invites you to surrender physically to gravity, to come to rest emotionally and mentally and to connect more deeply with your senses.
Bikekitchen Linz (AT)
The Bikekitchen Linz has been an open non-profit self-help workshop since 2009, a place where anyone can repair, revamp, service or modify their bike.
Tabea Tremmel (AT), Simon Hehl (DE), Michael Wittmann (DE), Ricarda Dorfmeister (AT), Willi Gold (AT), Alexander Mahla (AT)
We invite you to explore the walk-through cube to explore, shape and question the walk-in cube. The visitors have, among other things, the change light and sound in the room, participate in the design of a large the creation of a large image and to gain insights into the gain insights into the processes of…
CoderDojo Linz (AT)
CoderDojo Linz is a free, volunteer-run club for children and young people aged 8 to 17 who want to delve deeper into the world of technology. Supported by a team of mentors who are themselves involved in programming, children and young people can program their first computer games or even try their hand at creating…
Fake it till you make it
De Toneelmakerij (NL), Simon Duckham (NL), Paulien Geerlings (NL), Lot Houtepen (NL), Martien Langman (NL)
What does your ideal world look like? What would you like to change? Do you feel heard by those in charge? Now is your chance to take their truth and share it with the world!
FM4 Spielekammerl presents Analog-Spiel-Sessions (feat. Paradice)
FM4 Spielkultur (AT), Paradice Board Game Bar (AT)
The game table is in place, the chairs are ready, the cameras are mounted! It’s that time again: together with the Paradice analog game club from Vienna, the FM4 Spielekammerl streaming format is presenting five days of long sessions with role-playing and board games at the Ars Electronica Festival.
Fortuna One – the Happy AI
Virtual Office FAB Linz (AT), Bettina Gangl (AT), Helmut Doblhofer (AT), Birgit Pölz (AT), Reinhard Zach (AT)
Fortuna One is a fortune reading machine telling your fate. Come into the sphere and find out more about artificial systems and what they can show us about the near future.
PlayOn! – New Storytelling with Immersive Technologies, Landestheater Linz (AT)
FUTURE ECHOES is an immersive theatre walk that takes the audience on a journey through a futuristic city. It will explore the concept of how our present actions and decisions can echo into the future. It is a theatre event that aims to think artistically with young people about the link between the use of…
Open Commons Linz (AT), Ars Electronica create your world (AT)
The Hebocon is back! Build and design your own low-tech robots and send them into the arena. It is not primarily about strength or speed, but rather about the most creative creations, the most unusual movement style and the funniest motto.
hello world
Open Commons Linz (AT), IKT Linz GmbH (AT), Stadtbibliothek Linz (AT)
Ein buntes Programm mit Code, Robotern, Hacking und tollen Mentor*innen – das ist hello world. Hier kannst du auf spielerische Weise etwas über Technik, Technologie und Roboter lernen: Was ist Code? Wie arbeitet ein Computerprogramm? Wie funktioniert ein Stromkreis?
Individual Art Space
Fonds andersART (AT), KUNST St. Pius (AT), Caritas OÖ (AT)
Art fulfills, inspires, lets people blossom – and helps to break down barriers and prejudices. Artists with disabilities experience this time and again. They have been artistically active for a long time, but they remain unnoticed. They find themselves in an intergalactic space between galaxies – black and empty, with only a few stars shining…
Klasse! Lernen Exhibition
OeAD (AT), BMBWF (AT), Ars Electronica (AT) / POSTCITY, First Floor
More than 140 best practice-projects from all over Austria were submitted between November 2022 and April 2023. A jury selected ten projects and awarded seven Honorary Mentions, two Awards of Distinction worth € 5,000 each and the main prize worth € 10,000.
Körper als Medium – Body as a Medium
Miriam Kandera (AT), Ida Kieslinger (AT), Helena Vancura (AT)
The diploma project Body as Medium is a creative book that aims to explain the phenomenon of the human body as an art medium with the help of “labanotation”, a kind of movement script and dancers. In “create your world 2023”, the three graduates of the Graphische in Wien transform their final thesis into an…
Laboratory of Confidence
Open Commons Linz (AT), IKT Linz GmbH (AT), Stadtbibliothek Linz (AT)
Do you want to develop your talents and skills in the field of technology and media and shape your projects for a better future? Then the Laboratory of Confidence is the right place for you. With us, you can turn creative and put your ideas into practice. It does not matter if you already have…
Magic AI Workshop
CoderDojo Linz (AT), Dynatrace (AT)
In the lounge of Dynatrace and CoderDojo we invite children from 7 years on together with their accompanying persons to dive into the exciting world of artificial intelligence (AI).
Marble Maze
Fox-Assembly (DE), Tobias Fox (DE)
Bei der interaktiven Installation Marble Maze handelt es sich um ein unterhaltsames und rasantes Spiel, welches gemeinsam an einer großen Videowall mit montierten Game Controllern gespielt wird. Dadurch trifft digitaler Inhalt auf analoge Technik und lädt auf eine eigene Weise zum Experimentieren ein.
Meet me Meta
Studierende der MKD – Meisterschule für Kommunikationsdesign (AT)
The project “MKD MEETS NEXTCOMIC – Augmented Comics” took place for the fifth time in 2023. In it, the MKD – Meisterschule für Kommunikationsdesign dedicated itself to the themes of friendship and metaverse, proclaiming the motto “Meet me Meta”.
Open Kitchen
Ars Electronica create your world (AT) mit Brotsüchtig (AT), Biohof Geinberg (AT), Bio-Obst OÖ (AT), Morgentau (AT), Is nu guat (AT), Alfred Pointner (AT)
As in previous years, there will be a free buffet at this year’s create your world festival with products from regional suppliers. With freshly harvested fruits and vegetables as well as bread and other delicious snacks, the buffet will offer visitors and artists a place to exchange, discuss and inspire.
Verein Energiewende Linz (AT), Helwin Prohaska (AT), Johannes Ambrosch (AT), Kristina Strauß (AT), Martin Siedler (AT), Sandro Russi (DE/IT)
Als Gesellschaft prokrastinieren wir in Bezug auf die Klimakrise. Vor allem beim Thema der Energiewende – also dem Umstieg auf CO2-neutrale Energieversorgung – gäbe es aber viele Möglichkeiten, selbst aktiv zu werden.
Queer Synth Lab
Sounds Queer? Collective (AT)
Sounds Queer? collective invites the festival audience to a horizontal, pop-up synth lab organized as a picnic with various synthesizers arranged on blankets on the floor. The idea is to create a cozy, comfortable place that invites playfulness and casual explorations.
“Explainers” of the Technical Museum Vienna (AT)
The Technical Museum Vienna goes mobile. The roadLAB is a fully equipped Maker*Space with 3D printers, laser cutter, cutting plotter, laptops, its own WIFI and much more. Visitors can focus on tinkering, designing and creating.
Sewing Kitchen
Martina Eigner (AT), Andrea Fink (AT), Barbara Forsthuber (AT), Barbara Gamsjäger (AT), Lisbeth Koller (AT), Daniela Mandler (AT), Daniela Mittelmann (AT), Silvia Neubauer (AT), Annabelle Reuter (DE), Ingrid Wallner (AT)
The Sewing Kitchen is an urban, low-threshold meeting place where visitors can make new contacts, realize their individual sewing and textile recycling projects and learn new creative techniques, too.
Space Messengers
Agnes Chavez (US), STEMArts Lab (US), OMAI (AT), Space Messengers Collective
Space Messengers is a participatory mixed reality installation that visualizes thought-provoking reflections on the universe, encouraging participants to contemplate their role within it. Space Messengers evolved from an interdisciplinary and international collaboration among artists, scientists, interdisciplinary experts and youth ambassadors.
The future of tourism
Oberösterreich Tourismus (AT), Fiona Klima (AT), Antonia Langer (AT), Laura Reither (AT), Lena Atzinger (AT), Emely Mair (AT), Lorenz Uhl (AT), Max Wolschlager (AT), Mara Bulajic (AT), Luis Sefcsik (AT), Sophie Dögl (AT), Samuel Klancnik (AT)
The question this project addresses is what tourism and travel can mean for the next generation in Upper Austria. It addresses festival visitors and young people in different ways.
The Truth About Being a Woman / The Hissing Booth
Mary Mayrhofer (AT), Patrick Litzlfellner (AT)
It is true that we have not managed to achieve absolute equality this year either. And it is unfortunately also true that people who behave in a misogynous or sexist way tend not to change this behavior. The Truth About Being A Woman aims to confront exactly these people with social problems and everyday conflicts.
u19–create your world Exhibition
Ars Electronica (AT)
Presentation of the winners at the Ars Electronica Festival 2023
What if … everything turns out well?
create your world (AT), mb21 (DE), c3 (HU), Only Tomorrow Association (RO)
Young people from three four different countries visit Linz for the Youth Exchange 2023—the 13th edition of a cultural and artistic exchange during the Ars Electronica Festival.
Animation Festival: Young Animations
A collaboration between Ars Electronica and OeAD, curated by Sirikit Amann (AT)
A collaboration between Ars Electronica and OeAD, curated by Sirikit Amann (AT). Like every year, the work of talented filmmakers up to the age of nineteen is celebrated in the category Young Animation. The program is a selection of short films created by young artists across Austria.
Award Ceremony u19–create your world
Ars Electronica (AT)
This Award Ceremony brings together all the winners of this year’s Prix Ars Electronica u19-create your world category. Not only will the young winners’ projects be presented and they will receive their prizes, but they will also be able to share their own enthusiasm in short interviews.
Class. Learn! We Are Digital – Award ceremony of the Education PrizeClass. Learn! We Are Digital –
OeAD (AT), BMBWF (AT) and Ars Electronica (AT)
A contemporary education system should teach young people how to actively shape their lives and learning in a digitalized world in a sustainable way. Progressive digitalization in turn creates new opportunities to create, test and implement suitable forms of teaching for this purpose.
Forum: Digitale Bildung
Konzept: Martina Sochor (AT), Elke Hackl (AT), Josef Buchner (AT/CH), Hans-Christian Merten (AT); Teilnehmer*innen: Katharina Hof (AT), Ian Banerjee (AT/IN), Artist Meditaçoes (AT), Martin Bauer (AT), Sonja Hinteregger-Euller (AT), Jan G. Grünwald (DE/AT), Sebastian Paar (AT), Conny Lee (AT), Elke Hackl (AT)
The pedagogical year 2022/23 was dominated by one topic: digital basic education. The subject, which is now compulsory at a lower secondary level, was implemented, schools were equipped with tablets, and teachers already teaching the subject were provided with the necessary knowledge and skills in a four-semester university course.
Hebocon: Contest of Low-Tech Robots
Open Commons Linz (AT), Ars Electronica create your world (AT)
The Hebocon is back! Build and design your own low-tech robots and send them into the arena. It is not primarily about strength or speed, but rather about the most creative creations, the most unusual movement style and the funniest motto.
Symposium Perspectives on Political Education
Arbeiterkammer OÖ (AT), Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ (AT), Ars Electronica (AT)
At this year’s symposium on Political Education, the complex distribution of responsibilities in the areas of climate policy developments, digital education and new social participation structures will be addressed, discussed and examined from different perspectives.