The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab emerged from the European Digital Art and Science Network, a creative collaboration between scientific institutions, Ars Electronica and cultural partners throughout Europe that unites science and digital art. The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab takes up this theme and addresses the visions, expectations and fears that we associate with artificial intelligence.


Partners: Ars Electronica (AT), Center for Promotion of Science (RS), Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation (ES), Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (ES), Kersnikova Institute/Kapelica Gallery (SI), Science Gallery Dublin (IE), Onassis Stegi (GR), The Culture Yard (DK), GLUON (BE), Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences (FR), SOU Festival (GE), le lieu unique (FR), Waag (NL)

Participating gardens: Garden Athens, Garden Belgrade, Garden Dublin, Garden Slovenia, Garden Zaragoza

The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab is co-funded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.