
photo: Birgit Cakir

Entdecken Sie die Papers und Publikationen des Ars Electronica Futurelab, die Patente, die wir halten, unsere Beiträge zu Ausstellungen in der ganzen Welt und die Auftritte unserer Futurelab-Mitglieder. Unser Team hält auch Vorlesungen und Workshops an mehreren Universitäten und wird regelmäßig zu Vorträgen und Präsentationen eingeladen.

Pfeifer, M., Sipos, R., Weiss, A. (2024). Navigating Future Skills: The FOUNDING LAB Experience in Shaping the University of the Future. In Conference Proceedings of the 22nd STS Conference Graz 2024 – Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies; 6 – 8 May 2024, pp 277 – 296

Holzkorn, P., Pfeifer, M., Naveau, N., & Gardiner, M. (2024). 23nm: Case study of Data Art Research as a model for practice in Data Art & Science. In J. Hagler, V. Szabo, P. Wintersberger, V. Guljajeva, B. Mitchell, & M. Kocur (Eds.), Proceedings of the Expanded 2024 – Conference on Animation and Interactive Art. Ars Electronica Linz.

V. Liebl, G. Stocker, M. Jandl (Eds.) 2024. IT:U x Ars Electronica FOUNDING LAB Starting a University

A. Nikrang (2024). Künstlerische Co-Kreation mit KI und die Frage nach der Individualität, in: Fokus Künstliche Intelligenz; Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport (BMKÖS) (Ed.), Ss 66 – 71

A. Nikrang, L. Breckner, T. Neumayr, F. Hirschmann, M. Augstein (2024) AI Creativity in the Light of Autonomy, In: Artificial Intelligence, Co-Creation and Creativity,  Routledge

A. Nikrang (2024), Absolute Data: Exploring the Essence of Artistic Data creation by AI, In: Biennale Musica, Catalogue of the 68th International Festival of Contemporary Music, La Biennale di Venezia

B. Leichtmann, T. Meneweger, C. Busch, B. Reiterer, K. Meyer, D. Rammer, R. Haring & M. Mara (2024). Teaming with a Robot in Mixed Reality: Dynamics of Trust, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Models Affected by Information Richness, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction

A. Nikrang (2023) KI in der Musik, der Anfang einer neuen Epoche?, In: com.POSITION, Ausgabe 6, herausgeben von Deutscher Komponist:innenverband

B. Reiterer, M. Brandstötter, M. Mara, M., D. Rammer, R. Haring, M. Heiml, K. Meyer, T. Hoffmann, M. Weyrer, M. Hofbaur (2023). An Immersive Game Projection Setup for Studies on Collaboration with a Real Robot

A.J. Hirsch (A), H. Hörtner, R. Haring, H. Ogawa (Eds.) 2021: Alchemists of the Future: Ars Electronica Futurelab – The First 25 Years and Beyond, Hatje Cantz Verlag

M. Mara, K. Meyer, M. Heiml, H. Pichler, R. Haring, B. Krenn, S. Gross (Schreitter), B. Reiterer, T. Layer-Wagner (2021). CoBot Studio VR: A Virtual Reality Game Environment for Transdisciplinary Research on Interpretability and Trust in Human-Robot Collaboration.

M. Alvarez-Mesa, S. Sanz-Rodriguez, C. C. Chi, M. Glowiak, R. Haring (2021). 8K/16K Video and 3D Audio Coding and Playback for Large-Screen Immersive Spaces, in: SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal

M. Eisl, I. Ott (2021). „Partizipation als Forschungswerkzeug. Das Deck 50 im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien“; Neues Museum; Museumsbund Österreich

Ch. Lindinger, M. Pfeifer (2020). Art Thinking. In: Art in Science Museums. Towards a Post-Disciplinary Approach. C. Rossi-Linnemann, G. de Martini (Eds.). London, New York 2020, Ss 134 –144

A. Nikrang (2020). Artificial Creation of Meaning? The Fascination and Limitations of AI-based Music Composition, Daejeon Biennale 2020 catalogue (Daejeon Museum of Art) [English, Korean]

A. Nikrang (2019). Die Simulation der Kreativität: Können Maschinen kreativ sein? Wissenschaftsjahr 2019, Künstliche Intelligenz, 22.11.2019 (Scientific year 2019, Artificial Intelligence)

A.J. Hirsch (A.), G. Stocker, D. Schwarzmair (Eds.) 2019. Creating the Future: A Brief History of Ars Electronica 1979–2019, Hatje Cantz Verlag

M. Alvarez-Mesa, S. Sanz-Rodriguez, C. C. Chi, M. Glowiak, R. Haring (2019). Advanced Video Compression and Rendering for Highly Immersive 8K+ Applications, IBC Conference, September 2019

M. Gardiner (2019). [Thesis] ORI* on the Aesthetics of Folding and Technology [University of Newcastle].

W. Narzt, O. Weichselbaum, G. Pomberger, M. Hofmarcher, M. Strauss, P. Holzkorn, R. Haring, M. Sturm (2018). Estimating Collective Attention toward a Public Display, Journal Article, in: ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 1-34, 2018

M. Gardiner (2018). ORI* The Art and Science of Origami and Technology Works 2015—2017. (1st ed., Vol. 1). ISBN: 9780648407607. Matthew Gardiner.

Gardiner, M., Aigner, R., Ogawa, H., & Hanlon, R. (2018). Fold Mapping: Parametric Design of Origami Surfaces with Periodic Tessellations. 7th Origami Science Mathematics and Education Conference. 7OSME, Oxford, Great Britain.

Gardiner, M., Aigner, R., Ogawa, H., Hanlon, R., & Reitboeck, E. (2018). Fold Printing: Using Digital Fabrication of Multi-Materials for Advanced Origami Prototyping. 7th Origami Science Mathematics and Education Conference. 7OSME, Oxford, Great Britain.

Nikrang, A., Sears, D., Widmer, G. (2017). Automatic estimation of harmonic tension by distributed representation of chords, International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, Matosinhos, Porto, 25-28th Sept 2017. (Printed as a part of revised selected papers in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 11265)

R. Gujarathi, S. Nair, D. Zehe, G. Marinkovic, J. Xiao, P. Swarup, Y. Lee, A. Knoll, F. Frenkler, C. Scharfen, M. Eisl, Ch. Lindinger and R. Haring (2017). TUMCREATE – interactive virtual research lab, TUM-I1763

Gardiner, M. (2015). Folding and unfolding a million times over: Longevity, origami, robotics and biomimetics as material thinking in Oribotics. Symmetrion, 26(2), 189—202.

Gardiner, M. (2014). Project Genesis: Ars Electronica. In META-Life: Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, Alife and the Arts (p. 694). Leonardo, MIT Press.

Lindinger, Ch., Mara, M., Obermaier, K., Aigner, R., Haring, R., & Pauser, V. (2013). The (St) Age of Participation: Audience involvement in interactive performances. Digital Creativity, October 2013, 24(2), 119-129.

Pauser, Mathauer, Haring, Reiter, Gardiner, Mara (2013). Cultural Cartography: Enter into a discussion with the city! Processings of 5th AmberConference (Amber13), 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

M. Mara, M. Appel, H. Ogawa, Ch. Lindinger, E. Ogawa, H. Ishiguro, K. Ogawa .(2013). Tell me your story, robot: introducing an android as fiction character leads to higher perceived usefulness and adoption intention. March 2013 HRI ’13: Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction. Publisher: IEEE Press 2013

H. Ogawa, E. Ogawa, M. Naveau, Ch. Lindinger, R. Haring, M. Gardiner, M. Mara, H. Hörtner (2012). Participatory art cards & archive system for public exhibition: a case study through ars wild card, October 2012 MM ’12: Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia, Publisher: ACM

H. Hörtner, M. Gardiner, R. Haring, Ch. Lindinger, F. Berger (2012). Spaxels, Pixels in Space — A Novel Mode of Spatial Display, In: Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, SIGMAP 2012: 19-24, SciTePress Digital Library

H. Ogawa, M. Mara, Ch. Lindinger, M. Gardiner, R. Haring, D. Stolarsky, E. Ogawa, H. Hörtner (2012). Shadowgram: A case study for social fabrication through interactive fabrication in public spaces. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’12), Publisher: ACM 2012, 57—60.

M. Gardiner, H. Ogawa, Ch. Lindinger, R. Haring, E. Ogawa, M.T. Gardiner, M. Mara, H. Hörtner: (2012). SWITCH: case study of an edutainment kit for experience design in everyday life. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI’12), 271—274.

Gardiner, M., & Gardiner, R. (2012). The functional aesthetic of folding, self-similar interactions. TEI ’12: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 19—22.

Gardiner, M. (2012). The functional aesthetic of folding: Keynote address. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 17—18.

M. Gardiner, Ch. Lindinger, R. Haring, H. Hörtner, H. Ogawa, E. Ogawa. (2011). Social brainstorming via interactive fabrication. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE’11), Publisher: ACM, NY, 76:1—76:2.

Gardiner, M. (2011). Oribotics: The Future Unfolds. In Patsy Wang-Iverson, Robert J. Lang, and Mark Yim (Ed.), Origami 5: Fifth International Meeting of Origami Science, Mathematics, and Education. CRC Press.

R.Haring, H. Hörtner, H. Kato, Ch. Lindinger (2011). Gullivers World, In: A Touch of Code: Interactive Installations and Experiences, Gestalten Verlag, Berlin, 1. Auflage, April 2011, ISBN: 3899553314

R. Haring, H. Ogawa, Ch. Lindinger, H. Hörtner, S. Afshar, D. Stolarsky (2010). The city at hand: media installations as urban information systems. In: Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries (NordiCHI ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 667-670.

T. Kirton, P. Jennings, H. Ogawa (2010). TextDraw: a prototype for gestural typesetting. January 2010 TEI ’10: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. Publisher: ACM

H. Ogawa, J. Cochrane, M. Yavuz, E. Ogawa, J. Yura, T. Zushi (2010). Social bits: toward artistic expression powered by small information generated by daily lives of people. January 2010 TEI ’11: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. Publisher: ACM

Narzt, W., Wilflingseder, U., Pomberger, G., Kolb, D., Hörtner, H. (2010) Self-Organizing Congestion Evasion Strategies using Ant-Based Pheromones. IST World Congress Journal Special Issue in IET Intelligent Transport Systems, ISSN (Print) 1751-956X, Published by Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Vol. 4, No. 1, Pages: 93 – 102, 2010.

the future of the lab Baltan Laboratories (Eds.) Achtergrond 2010; In collaboration with 2018 Brabant Cultural Capital of Europe | Candidate; ISBN 978-90-815830-1-5; p.105-112 / 2010

I. Posch, H. Ogawa, Ch. Lindinger, R. Haring, H. Hörtner .(2010). Introducing the FabLab as interactive exhibition space, In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’10), 2010. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 254-257

R. Haring, H. Ogawa, B. Böhm, Ch. Lindinger, H. Hörtner. (2010). GeoCity Mobile: Extending boundaries of Urban Discourse, In: Processings of 2nd AmberConference (Amber10), 2010, Istanbul, Turkey

H. Leopoldseder, Ch. Schöpf, G. Stocker (Eds.) (2009). The Network for Art, Technology and Society. The First 30 Years. Ars Electronica 1979-2009, Hatje Cantz Verlag

Kuka, D., Elias, O., Martins, R., Lindinger, Ch., Pramböck, A., Jalsovec, A., Maresch, P., Hörtner, H., Brandl, P. (2009). DEEP SPACE: High Resolution VR Platform for Multi-user Interactive Narratives. In Proceedings of the 2nd Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling: Interactive Storytelling (ICIDS ’09)

T. Kirton, H. Ogawa, C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau. (2008). PINS: a prototype model towards the definition of surface games. October 2008 MM ’08: Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia. Publisher: ACM

Narzt, Pomberger, Ferscha, Kolb, Müller, Wieghardt, Hörtner, Haring, Lindinger. (2007). Addressing Concepts for Mobile Location-Based Information Services, Invited Paper at the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCI 2007, Beijing, China. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science “Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction”, LNCS Part III, Vol. 4556, Constantine Stephanidis (Ed.)

Narzt, Pomberger, Kolb, Wieghardt, Hörtner, Haring, Wilflingseder, Seimel. (2007). Self-Organization in Traffic Networks by Digital Pheromones, In: Proceedings of the 10th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 490-495

Ch. Lindinger, R. Haring, H. Hörtner, D. Kuka, H. Kato. (2006). Multi-User Mixed Reality System Gulliver’s World’: A case study on collaborative edutainment at the intersection of material and virtual worlds, In: Virtual Reality Journal, Volume 10, Issue 2, October 2006, Pages: 109 – 118, ISSN:1359-4338, Springer-Verlag London, UK

Lindinger, Ch., Haring, R., Hörtner, H., Kuka, D. and Kato, K. (2006) Mixed Reality Installation ‘Gulliver’s World’: Interactive Content Creation in Nonlinear Exhibition Design. In: Göbel, S., Malkewitz, R., and Iurgel, I. (Eds.): TIDSE 2006, LNCS 4326, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 312 — 323

Display Ground Bots, 23.05.2018
System for Displaying an Optical Image 

Identifying a Geometrical Image, 13.02.2018
A System for Presenting and Identifying Markers of a Variable Geometrical Image 

Multi camera drone formation, 23.05.2017
A system for controlling unmanned aerial vehicles in a flight formation in order to film a moving object using several cameras 

Firework Drones, 28.04.2017
Unmanned aerial vehicle and system for generating fireworks in the airspace 

Swarm control of vehicles – Implant, 28.04.2017
Unmanned aircraft with a modular swarm control unit 

Logistics system for UAVs, 28.04.2017
System and transport device for unmanned aerial vehicle 

Flying Modular Comm Relay, 28.04.2017
Unmanned aircraft with a modular swarm control unit 

Flying Screens, 20.01.2017
System for providing a visual aerial presentation 

Laser Drones, 11.07.2016
Unmanned aircraft and system for generating an image in the airspace 

„Seeds of Hope“ – Matsudo International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, Oct 2023 

“Pianographique – Music and Images by Humans and Machines” at festival transart23 in Bolzano, Italy, on September 21, 2023

Futurelab Night Performances 2023, Ars Electronica Festival 2023

“Tides of Light” exhibition at the BioBAT Art Space in New York, May-Sept 2023

Gesten – gestern, heute, übermorgen at Kulturzentrum Festung Ehrenbreitstein | Landesmuseum Koblenz April – Nov 2023

„Circular Creativity“ – Matsudo International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, Oct 2022 

Futurelab Night Performances 2022, Ars Electronica Festival 2022

Mission KI exhibition at Deutsches Museum in Bonn, since 2022 

Human-Machine-Performance Science Congress at Ludwig Maximilian University 2022 

„Open City“ – Matsudo International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, Oct 2021 

Futurelab Night Performances 2021, Ars Electronica Festival 2021

„Garden of Creativity“ – Matsudo International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, Nov 2020 

„Future Citizen“ – Matsudo International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, Nov 2019 

Mahler-Unfinished Big Concert Night at Ars Electronica Festival 2019

Gesten – gestern, heute, übermorgen at Museum for Communication Frankfurt, Sept 2019 – Feb 2020 

Gesten – gestern, heute, übermorgen at Museum for Communication Berlin, April – Sept 2019 

„Space of Imagination“ – Matsudo International Science Art Festival in Matsudo, Japan, Oct 2018 

Gesten – gestern, heute, übermorgen at Industrie Museum Chemnitz Nov 2017 – March 2018 

School of the Future exhibitions and talk sessions in Tokyo, Japan, seit 2017 

Founding Lab Fall Term 2023/24

Founding Lab

FH Hagenberg / University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria – Digital Arts – Media Spaces & Generative Art – Roland Haring, Johannes Pöll (Lectors) 2013-2023 

Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy, Northeastern University: 2023, 2022, 2021

Festival University 2022

Artistic Journalism – Keio University SFC Online Course 2022 

Artistic Journalism – Keio University SFC Online Course 2021 

Artistic Journalism meets Artificial Intelligence: Understanding AI. Lecture with Hideaki Ogawa, Ali Nikrang and Andreas Bauer. 29.10.2021 

Artistic Journalism – Keio University SFC Online Course 2020 

Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy, Media Lab Helsinki, 2018

Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy, Hong Kong Design Institute 2015 

KI, Kreativität und Kunst (Vortrag von Ali Nikrang), in Tagung Automatisiertes Lernen?, Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing in Kooperation mit der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit und dem Bayerischen Volkshochschulverband, 31.01.2023-01.02.2023 

Science and Art – a desirable symbiosis? (Panel Discussion with Ali Nikrang), at the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) of the University of Vienna, 16.01.2023 

“DER COMPUTER ALS KOMPONIST UND AUTOR, Gehört ihm auch im Kreativen die Zukunft?” Ali Nikrang zu Gast im Kepler Salon, Johannes Kepler University, 07.11.22 

Work of the Future with Gianpaolo Barozzi, Horst Hörtner, Mary Lizabeth Lu, Marcus Neustetter, Victoria Čaić, 2022

Oribotic Instruments, presentation at isaScience 2022 Conference „Un/Learning: Norms and Routines in Cultural Practice“, 02.09.2022

Künstliche Intelligenz & Kunst – ein Widerspruch? Vortrag von Ali Nikrang bei der Ringvorlesung Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitalisierung in Kunst, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg, 05.04.2022 

AI Creativity in the Light of Arts and Music, Microwave New Media Arts Festival (Hong Kong), Unconference 反轉研討會 2021. Ali Nikrang together with Alexander Mankowsky, Philipp Jordan and Diane To, 9.11.2021 

Artistic Journalism meets Artificial Intelligence: Understanding AI. Lecture with Hideaki Ogawa, Ali Nikrang and Andreas Bauer. 29.10.2021   

The Question of Autonomy and Human Intention in Art & AI (Episode II), A panel with Ali Nikrang together with the visual artist Davide Quayola, sound artists Paola Torres Núñez del Prado and Leslie Garcia, presented at Ars Electronica Festival 2021 in the framework of the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, 11.09.2021  

NAKED AI, Panel and performance as a part of the screening of Cisco and Logotel produced documentary (Naked AI) about artificial intelligence and human creativity at Ars Electronica Festival 2021. Ali Nikrang together with Daniele Cerra, Anna Milani, Vincenzo Scagliarini, 11.09.2021  

The Question of Autonomy and Human Intention in Art and AI. A panel with Ali Nikrang together with Maya Indira Ganesh, Isabella Salas and Yuri Suzuki, MUTEK Festival Montréal, Canada, 27.08.2021 

Art Thinking Forum by Hakuhodo x Ars Electronica with Dominique Chen, Hideaki Ogawa, Karen Palmer, John Palmesino, Ann-Sofi Rönnskog, 2021  

Art Thinking Forum: Humanizing Technology with Mara Balestrini, Olga Kisseleva, Alexander Mankowsky, Hideaki Ogawa, 2020

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Art – Science – Innovation with Roland Haring, Christopher Lindinger, Anouk Wipprecht, 2020

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Art – Governance with Thomas Gegenhuber, Hideaki Ogawa, Irini Papadimitriou, 2020

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Art–Education with Elisabeth Gutjahr, Horst Hörtner, Yoko Shimizu, 2020

Ars Electronica Futurelab Creative Question Challenge: Future Ink: What is the future of creative expression? With Horst Hörtner, Nobutaka Ide, Yoko Shimizu, 2020 

Ars Electronica Mix: Inside Futurelab – Origami Robotics with Matthew Gardiner, 2020

Space Art – Trial and Error in Art & Science – with Horst Hörtner, 2018 

Drones and the Future of Swarm Logistics – with Horst Hörtner, 2017 

Future Innovators Summit: Final Presentation – Introduction with Hideaki Ogawa, Kazuko Tanaka, 2016 

DISCUSSING THE FUTURE OF THE LABS with Yamina Aouina, Horst Hörtner, Hiroshi Ishii, Kathleen McCarthy, Ivan Poupyrev, Susan Street 2016 

Folding = Coding for Matter’ – Solid 2014 Keynote by Matthew Gardiner. O’Reilly. (2014). 

Matthew Gardiner, creator of Oriboticsm. ITU, & Knoll, M. , 2014

Matthew Gardiner’s 5th Origami Science Education and Mathematics (5OSME) Presentation Gardiner, M., 2010 

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